ATLAS Offline Software
LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3 Member List

This is the complete list of members for LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3, including all inherited members.

applyEtRange(const std::vector< int > &lut, const std::vector< int > &range, const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
bcid(const std::vector< int > &fir, const std::vector< int > &digits, const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
bcid(const std::vector< int > &fir, const std::vector< int > &digits, unsigned int strategy, int satLow, int satHigh, int satLevel, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
bcid(const std::vector< int > &fir, const std::vector< int > &lutInput, const std::vector< int > &digits, int energyLow, int energyHigh, int decisionSource, std::vector< unsigned int > &decisionConditions, unsigned int strategy, int satLow, int satHigh, int satLevel, std::vector< int > &result, std::vector< int > &decision) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
bcidDecision(const std::vector< int > &bcidResults, const std::vector< int > &range, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
bcidDecisionRange(const std::vector< int > &lutInput, const std::vector< int > &digits, const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
bcidParams(const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId, int &energyLow, int &energyHigh, int &decisionSource, std::vector< unsigned int > &decisionConditions, unsigned int &peakFinderStrategy, int &satLow, int &satHigh, int &satLevel) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
channelID(double eta, double phi, int layer)=0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
channelID(const Identifier &id)=0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
cpLut(const std::vector< int > &fir, const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
cpLutParams(const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId, int &startBit, int &slope, int &offset, int &cut, int &pedValue, float &pedMean, int &strategy, bool &disabled)=0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
disabledChannel(const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
dropBits(const std::vector< int > &fir, const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
dropBits(const std::vector< int > &fir, unsigned int first, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
etRange(const std::vector< int > &et, const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
etRange(const std::vector< int > &et, int energyLow, int energyHigh, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
FCalTTeta(const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId)=0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
FCalTTeta(double nominalEta, double phi, int layer)=0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
fir(const std::vector< int > &digits, const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
fir(const std::vector< int > &digits, const std::vector< int > &firCoeffs, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
firParams(const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId, std::vector< int > &firCoeffs) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
hwIdentifier(double eta, double phi, int layer)=0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
hwIdentifier(const Identifier &id)=0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
identifier(double eta, double phi, int layer)=0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
jepLut(const std::vector< int > &fir, const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
jepLutParams(const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId, int &startBit, int &slope, int &offset, int &cut, int &pedValue, float &pedMean, int &strategy, bool &disabled)=0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
lut(const std::vector< int > &fir, int slope, int offset, int cut, int strategy, bool disabled, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
peakBcid(const std::vector< int > &fir, const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
peakBcid(const std::vector< int > &fir, unsigned int strategy, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
pedestalCorrection(std::vector< int > &firInOut, int firPed, int iElement, int layer, int bcid, float mu, std::vector< int_least16_t > &correctionOut)=0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
process(const std::vector< int > &digits, double eta, double phi, int EmHad, std::vector< int > &et, std::vector< int > &bcidResults, std::vector< int > &bcidDecisions, bool useJepLut=true)=0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
process(const std::vector< int > &digits, const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId, std::vector< int > &et, std::vector< int > &bcidResults, std::vector< int > &bcidDecisions, bool useJepLut=true)=0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
refValues(const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId)=0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
satBcid(const std::vector< int > &digits, const L1CaloCoolChannelId &channelId, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
satBcid(const std::vector< int > &digits, int satLow, int satHigh, int satLevel, std::vector< int > &output) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
satOverride(int range) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual
simulateChannel(const xAOD::TriggerTower &tt, std::vector< int > &outCpLut, std::vector< int > &outJepLut, std::vector< int > &bcidResults, std::vector< int > &bcidDecisions) const =0LVL1::IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3pure virtual