ATLAS Offline Software
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12 std::cout <<
"DepositInCalo: ";
37 else std::cout <<
double energyDeposited() const
Calorimeter detailed information - Energy Deposited.
float m_etDeposited
Et of the energy deposit.
float m_energyDeposited
energy Desposited
CaloCell_ID::CaloSample m_subCaloId
calorimeter sampling identifier
float m_muonEnergyLoss
energy Loss of the muons computed using the extrapolator
double muonEnergyLoss() const
Calorimeter detailed information - Muon Energy Loss.
void print() const
printing for debugging
DepositInCalo & operator=(const DepositInCalo &)
assignment operator
class describing the measured energy loss associated to muons on the detector level,...
double etDeposited() const
Calorimeter detailed information - et Deposited.
CaloCell_ID::CaloSample subCaloId() const
Calorimeter detailed information.