- Author
- Domiz.nosp@m.ia.O.nosp@m.resta.nosp@m.no@c.nosp@m.ern.c.nosp@m.h
Original authors are Martin Woudstra, Zdenko van Kesteren and Peter Kluit
MuonCalibIdentifier is a utility package which collects classes and macros defining identifiers and hashes internally used by the Muon Calibration
Class Overview
The MuonCalibIdentifier package contains the following classes used by other MuonCalib packages
- MdtHashTable: provides fast conversion between identifiers and hashes for MDT chambers, MDT multilayers, MDT tubes (=global) and MDT tube-in-chamber (=local). All data members and member functions are static, so no instantiation of an MdtHashTable is needed.
- MdtRegion: class defining a calibration region through the list of the identifiers associated to it
- MdtRegionSet: A full set of regions, should normally cover the whole detector
- MdtRegionTool: manages the access to the MdtRegion in the MdtRegionSet through hashes
- MuonCalib::MuonFixedId: Implements fixed identifiers not dependent upon Athena Identifier for internal use in the calibration framework.
and many others used internally to provide the above functionalities (see Class list).