ATLAS Offline Software
CaloTPCnv Package

This package provides POOL persistent representation for Calo event data classes and the T/P converters.

The event data are in CaloEvent package. The transient data classes are CaloCell and CaloCluster.

Calo event data classes are T/P separated, and the POOL Converters are in Calorimeter/CaloCnv/CaloAthenaPool package.

RD Schaffer

-— CaloCell persistency

The persistent CaloCellContainer is CaloCompactCellContainer in CaloEvent. The compatification is defined by CaloCompactCellTool in CaloTools package, and used by the POOL converter. No persistent data or tool defined here for CaloCell in this package.

-— CaloCluster persistency

CaloCluster consists of Links to CaloCell and CaloShower (objects in event store) and two split stores, CaloClusterMement and CaloSamplingData (contained within CaloCluster). Each of these has persistent data structure:



CaloClusterMomentContainer_p2 and CaloClusterMomentStore_p1

CaloSamplingDataContainer_p1 and CaloSamplingData_p1


-— CaloTower persistency

CaloTowerContainer contains the towers and the tower segmentation. Only the Tower segmentation has the persistent form, the towers are recreated from cells on the fly using tower builder tools. This means CaloCellContainer has to be present in the event data store, if CaloTowerContainer is needed.

CaloTowerContainer_p1 and CaloTowerSeg_p1

-— T/P converter classes



CaloClusterMomentContainerCnv_p1 CaloClusterMomentStoreCnv_p1


CaloTowerContainerCnv_p1 CaloTowerSegCnv_p1