8 __doc__ =
"diff two POOL files (containers and sizes)"
9 __author__ =
"Sebastien Binet"
13 import PyUtils.acmdlib
as acmdlib
15 @acmdlib.command(name=
16 @acmdlib.argument(
17 help=
'path to the reference POOL file to analyze')
18 @acmdlib.argument(
19 help=
'path to the POOL file to compare to the reference')
20 @acmdlib.argument(
23 help=
"""Enable verbose printout""")
25 """diff two POOL files (containers and sizes)"""
28 old = osp.expandvars(osp.expanduser(args.old))
29 new = osp.expandvars(osp.expanduser(args.new))
31 import PyUtils.PoolFile
as PF
32 diff = PF.DiffFiles(refFileName = old,
34 verbose = args.verbose)