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ATLAS Offline Software
This is the complete list of members for Trk::ConeBounds, including all inherited members.
alpha() const | Trk::ConeBounds | |
Annulus enum value | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
averagePhi() const | Trk::ConeBounds | |
BoundsType enum name | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
BoundValues enum name | Trk::ConeBounds | |
bv_alpha enum value | Trk::ConeBounds | |
bv_averagePhi enum value | Trk::ConeBounds | |
bv_halfPhiSector enum value | Trk::ConeBounds | |
bv_length enum value | Trk::ConeBounds | |
bv_maxZ enum value | Trk::ConeBounds | |
bv_minZ enum value | Trk::ConeBounds | |
clone() const override | Trk::ConeBounds | virtual |
Cone enum value | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
ConeBounds() | Trk::ConeBounds | |
ConeBounds(double alpha, bool symm, double halfphi=M_PI, double avphi=0.) | Trk::ConeBounds | |
ConeBounds(double alpha, double zmin, double zmax, double halfphi=M_PI, double avphi=0.) | Trk::ConeBounds | |
ConeBounds(const ConeBounds &cylbo)=default | Trk::ConeBounds | |
ConeBounds(ConeBounds &&annbo)=default | Trk::ConeBounds | |
cosAlpha() const | Trk::ConeBounds | |
Cylinder enum value | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
Diamond enum value | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
Disc enum value | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
DiscTrapezoidal enum value | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
dump(MsgStream &sl) const override | Trk::ConeBounds | virtual |
dump(std::ostream &sl) const override | Trk::ConeBounds | virtual |
Ellipse enum value | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
halfPhiSector() const | Trk::ConeBounds | |
initCache() override final | Trk::ConeBounds | privatevirtual |
inside(const Amg::Vector2D &locpo, double tol1, double tol2) const override final | Trk::ConeBounds | virtual |
inside(const Amg::Vector2D &locpo, const BoundaryCheck &bchk=true) const override final | Trk::ConeBounds | virtual |
inside(const Amg::Vector3D &gp, double tol1=0., double tol2=0.) const final | Trk::ConeBounds | virtual |
inside(const Amg::Vector3D &locpo, const BoundaryCheck &bchk) const final | Trk::ConeBounds | virtual |
insideLoc1(const Amg::Vector2D &locpo, double tol1=0.) const override final | Trk::ConeBounds | virtual |
insideLoc2(const Amg::Vector2D &locpo, double tol2=0.) const override final | Trk::ConeBounds | virtual |
m_boundValues | Trk::ConeBounds | private |
m_cosAlpha | Trk::ConeBounds | private |
m_sinAlpha | Trk::ConeBounds | private |
m_tanAlpha | Trk::ConeBounds | private |
maxPhi() const | Trk::ConeBounds | inlineprivate |
maxZ() const | Trk::ConeBounds | |
minDistance(const Amg::Vector2D &pos) const override | Trk::ConeBounds | virtual |
minPhi() const | Trk::ConeBounds | inlineprivate |
minZ() const | Trk::ConeBounds | |
operator!=(const SurfaceBounds &sb) const | Trk::SurfaceBounds | inlinevirtual |
operator=(const ConeBounds &cylbo)=default | Trk::ConeBounds | |
operator=(ConeBounds &&sbo)=default | Trk::ConeBounds | |
Trk::SurfaceBounds::operator=(const SurfaceBounds &)=default | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
Trk::SurfaceBounds::operator=(SurfaceBounds &&) noexcept=default | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
operator==(const SurfaceBounds &sbo) const override | Trk::ConeBounds | virtual |
operator==(const ConeBounds &bo) const | Trk::ConeBounds | |
Other enum value | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
r() const override | Trk::ConeBounds | virtual |
r(double z) const | Trk::ConeBounds | |
Rectangle enum value | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
RotatedTrapezoid enum value | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
sinAlpha() const | Trk::ConeBounds | |
SurfaceBounds()=default | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
SurfaceBounds(const SurfaceBounds &)=default | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
SurfaceBounds(SurfaceBounds &&) noexcept=default | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
swap(double &b1, double &b2) | Trk::SurfaceBounds | inlineprotected |
tanAlpha() const | Trk::ConeBounds | |
Trapezoid enum value | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
Triangle enum value | Trk::SurfaceBounds | |
type() const override | Trk::ConeBounds | inlinevirtual |
~ConeBounds()=default | Trk::ConeBounds | virtual |
~SurfaceBounds()=default | Trk::SurfaceBounds | virtual |