cool::Record | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::createLvl1MenuPayload (cool::IFolderPtr, const TrigConf::TriggerItem &item) |
| build a COOL db record from a LVL1 TriggerItem (the item name and version) More...
cool::Record | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::createLvl1ItemDefPayload (cool::IFolderPtr, const TrigConf::TriggerItem &item) |
| build a COOL db record from a LVL1 TriggerItem (the conditions) More...
cool::Record | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::createLvl1JetWeightPayload (cool::IFolderPtr, const std::vector< int > &jetweights) |
| build a COOL db record from a L1 Jet Weights vector More...
cool::Record | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::createLvl1METSigPayload (cool::IFolderPtr, const METSigParam &metSigParams) |
| build a COOL db record from a L1 MET significance global parameters More...
cool::Record | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::createLvl1ThresholdPayload (cool::IFolderPtr, const TrigConf::TriggerThreshold &thr) |
| build a COOL db record from a LVL1 TriggerItem More...
cool::Record | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::createLvl1ConfigKeyPayload (cool::IFolderPtr, unsigned int lvl1PrescaleKey) |
| build a COOL db record from a LVL1 configuration key More...
cool::Record | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::createLvl1PrescalesPayload (cool::IFolderPtr, int prescale) |
| build a COOL db record from a LVL1 prescale value More...
cool::Record | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::createLvl1PrescalesPayload (cool::IFolderPtr, int64_t prescale) |
cool::Record | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::createLvl1BGKeyPayload (cool::IFolderPtr, unsigned int lvl1BunchgroupKey) |
| build a COOL db record from a LVL1 bunch group key More...
cool::Record | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::createLvl1BGContentPayload (cool::IFolderPtr fld, const TrigConf::BunchGroupSet &bgs) |
| build a COOL db record from a bunch group definition value More...
cool::Record | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::createLvl1BGDescPayload (cool::IFolderPtr fld, const TrigConf::BunchGroupSet &bgs, const TrigConf::Menu &lvl1Menu) |
| build a COOL db record from a bunch group description More...
cool::Record | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::createLvl1InputMapPayload (cool::IFolderPtr, const TrigConf::TIP &tip) |
| build a COOL db record from a PIT-mapping string value More...
cool::Record | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::createLvl1MonMapPayload (cool::IFolderPtr, const std::string &type, const uint16_t &bgId, const std::string &threshName, const std::string &slot, const std::string &con, const std::string &mult, const std::string &start, const std::string &end, const std::string &active, const std::string &monName=std::string(""), const std::string &CounterLogic=std::string("")) |
| build a COOL db record from a monitoring-mapping string value More...
void | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::readLvl1ConfigKey (const coral::AttributeList &al, unsigned int &lvl1PrescaleKey) |
| build the LVL1 configuration key from a coral::AttributeList More...
void | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::readLvl1Prescale (const coral::AttributeList &al, int &ps) |
| build the LVL1 prescale value from a coral::AttributeList More...
void | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::readLvl1Prescale (const coral::AttributeList &al, int64_t &ps) |
int | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::readLvl1BGKey (const coral::AttributeList &al) |
| build the LVL1 Bunchgroup key value More...
TrigConf::PIT * | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::readLvl1InputMap (const coral::AttributeList &al) |
| Build a LVL1 PIT object from COOL payload. More...
TrigConf::TIP * | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::readLvl1TIPMap (const coral::AttributeList &al) |
std::vector< TrigConf::ThresholdMonitor * > | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::readLvl1MonMap (const cool::IRecord &payload) |
| Build a LVL1 mon counter object from COOL payload. More...
std::vector< TrigConf::BunchGroup > | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::readLvl1BGContent (const coral::AttributeList &al) |
| build the LVL1 Bunchgroup code More...
std::pair< std::vector< std::string >, std::map< unsigned int, unsigned char > > | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::readLvl1BGDesc (const coral::AttributeList &al) |
| build the LVL1 Bunchgroup descriptions from a coral::AttributeList More...
TriggerItem * | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::createLvl1TriggerItem (const coral::AttributeList &al) |
| build a LVL1 TriggerItem from a COOL db record More...
TriggerThreshold * | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::createLvl1Threshold (const coral::AttributeList &al) |
| build a LVL1 TriggerThreshold from a COOL db record More...
void | TrigConf::TrigConfCoolL1PayloadConverters::addThresholdsToTriggerItem (const coral::AttributeList &al, TriggerItem *item, const std::vector< TrigConf::TriggerThreshold * > &thrs) |
| build a TriggerThreshold definition from a COOL db record and add to the corresponding item More...