ATLAS Offline Software
Athena package containing several AlgTools for retrieving tagging muons using energy deposits in the calorimeter.
AlgTool for Muon Identification in the Calorimeter. Builds likelihood ratio discriminant using distribution of energy ratios for muons and pions.
AlgTool for Muon Identification in the Calorimeter. Computes a muon score representing based on the particle's calorimeter cell energy deposits using a convolutional neural network.
Muon tagger using calorimeter deposits. A track is tagged when deposits above the noise treshold are found in the last three layers of the hadronic calorimeters (TileBar, TileExt and HEC). Upper cuts in the hadronic calorimeter are applied to provide a veto against hadrons. Upper cuts in the EM calorimeter are applied to provide a veto against punch-through electrons. All cuts are configurable.
Tool for retrieving calorimeter deposits associated to a track (given by Trk::TrackParameters*)
The tools can be steered through jobOptions. The default configuration that is being employed for standard reconstruction is set up by the jobOptions found in share.