ATLAS Offline Software
This package contains abstract interfaces for the ATLAS vertex fitters and related classes, such as VertexUpdators, SeedFinders, TrackToVertexCompatibilityEstimators VertexSmoothers and AnnealingMakers. These abstract interface classes are common for all ATLAS vertexing-related implementations. The design is supposed to handle both iterative(Kalman filter-based) and global(global chi2-based) vertex fitters. The extensions of this interface are also used for a constraint fits (see V0).
The design of the base classes is the following:
Trk::IVertexFitter Top level interface for ATLAS vertex fitters. Defines that any vertex fitter should return a Trk::VxCandidate, given with a set of tracks of their parameters (TrackParticleBase application is also planned)
Trk::IVertexUpdator Defines the interface for vertex updators to be used in iterative fitters. A vertex updator adds or removes a single track to or from a given VxCandidate
Trk::IVertexSmoother Defines an interface for vertex smoothers. A vertex smoother refits the track contents of a reconstructed vertex with a knowledge of its reconstructed position. In fact, the tracks are forced to pass through the reconstructed vertex, which becomes their common space point. Smoother top user method is void: it updates an internal structure if the Trk::VxCandidate.
Trk::IVertexTrackUpdator A vertex track updator smooths one track at the time. Normally, called iteratively by a vertex smoother.
Trk::IVertexTrackCompatibilityEstimator Interface for classes, estimating track compatibility to the vertex. Implementation can be a chi2 for instance. The void method also supposed to update the chi2 data member of Trk::VxTrackAtVertex
Trk::IVertexSeedFinder Interface for vertex seed finders. This group of classes estimates the starting point of the vertex fit. A Vertex is object is returned given a set tracks.
Trk::IVertexAnnealingMaker Interface for classes responsible for annealing process. Used in adaptive vertex fits.
Trk::IVertexLinearizedTrackFactory An abstract interface for helper classes, calculating parameters of Taylor expansion of a measurement equation. For internal use of iterative vertex fitters.
Trk::IVertexKinematicFitter Interface for kinematic vertex-fitting.
Trk::IKinematicConstraint Abstract class used for implementing constraint-equations used by the kinematic vertex-fitting methods.