Loading [MathJax]/extensions/tex2jax.js
ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
17 #include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentListener.h"
19 #include "GaudiKernel/MinimalEventLoopMgr.h"
31 #include "Gaudi/Property.h"
32 #include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
33 #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
34 #include "GaudiKernel/IAlgResourcePool.h"
35 #include "GaudiKernel/IEvtSelector.h"
36 #include "GaudiKernel/IHiveWhiteBoard.h"
37 #include "GaudiKernel/IScheduler.h"
38 #include "GaudiKernel/IAlgExecStateSvc.h"
46 #include "tbb/concurrent_queue.h"
51 struct IDataManagerSvc;
52 class IDataProviderSvc;
69 IEventSeek, ICollectionSize, IIncidentListener>,
218 virtual int curEvent()
const override;
220 virtual int size()
222 virtual void handle(
const Incident& inc)
256 typedef std::list<SmartIF<IAlgorithm> >
tool_stats m_toolReject
tool returns StatusCode::FAILURE counter
virtual void handle(const Incident &inc) override
IIncidentListenet interfaces.
virtual int size() override
Return the size of the collection.
IEvtSelector * m_evtSelector
Reference to the Event Selector.
std::string m_schedulerName
Name of the scheduler to be used.
bool m_useSecondaryEventNumber
read event number from secondary input
Interface for doing garbage collection of conditions objects.
virtual StatusCode executeAlgorithms()
Run the algorithms for the current event.
std::vector< unsigned int > tool_stats
Abstract interface for seeking within an event stream.
tool_store m_tools
internal tool store
IIncidentSvc_t m_incidentSvc
Reference to the incident service.
StatusCode initializeAlgorithms()
Initialize all algorithms and output streams.
The default ATLAS batch event loop manager.
ServiceHandle< IConversionSvc > IConversionSvc_t
StringProperty m_histPersName
Abstract interface for finding the size of an event collection.
virtual const std::string & name() const override
SmartIF< IIncidentListener > m_abortEventListener
Instance of the incident listener waiting for AbortEvent.
ServiceHandle< IEvtIdModifierSvc > IEvtIdModifierSvc_t
ServiceHandle< IDataManagerSvc > IDataManagerSvc_t
AthenaHiveEventLoopMgr & operator=(const AthenaHiveEventLoopMgr &)=delete
StoreGateSvc_t m_eventStore
Reference to StoreGateSvc;.
IntegerProperty m_failureMode
unsigned int m_timeStampInt
UnsignedIntegerProperty m_eventPrintoutInterval
std::string m_whiteboardName
Name of the Whiteboard to be used.
SmartIF< IScheduler > m_schedulerSvc
A shortcut for the scheduler.
std::list< SmartIF< IAlgorithm > > ListAlg
IAthenaEvtLoopPreSelectTool tool_type
StatusCode clearWBSlot(int evtSlot)
Clear a slot in the WB.
ToolHandleArray< tool_type > tool_store
The Athena Transient Store API.
This class provides a unique identification for each event, in terms of run/event number and/or a tim...
EventID::number_type number_type
SmartIF< IProperty > m_appMgrProperty
Property interface of ApplicationMgr.
SmartIF< IAlgExecStateSvc > m_aess
Reference to the Algorithm Execution State Svc.
IEvtIdModifierSvc_t m_evtIdModSvc
tool_store::const_iterator tool_iterator
bool msgLvl(const MSG::Level lvl) const
Test the output level.
StatusCode getEventRoot(IOpaqueAddress *&refpAddr)
Create event address using event selector.
EventIDBase::number_type number_type
IEvtSelector::Context EvtContext
Class to modify timeout flag.
virtual void modifyEventContext(EventContext &ctx, const EventID &eID, bool consume_modifier_stream)
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
virtual StatusCode stop() override
implementation of IService::stop
Class to provide easy MsgStream access and capabilities.
MsgStream & msg() const
The standard message stream.
virtual StatusCode writeHistograms(bool force=false)
Dump out histograms as needed.
virtual StatusCode executeRun(int maxevt) override
implementation of IEventProcessor::executeRun(int maxevt)
bool m_requireInputAttributeList
require input attribute list
int drainScheduler(int &finishedEvents)
Drain the scheduler from all actions that may be queued.
virtual StatusCode executeEvent(EventContext &&ctx) override
implementation of IEventProcessor::executeEvent(void* par)
virtual EventContext createEventContext() override
Create event context.
void setupPreSelectTools(Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &)
property update handler:sets up the Pre-selection tools
virtual ~AthenaHiveEventLoopMgr()
Standard Destructor.
virtual StatusCode initialize() override
implementation of IAppMgrUI::initalize
ServiceHandle< IIncidentSvc > IIncidentSvc_t
virtual StatusCode finalize() override
implementation of IAppMgrUI::finalize
tool_stats m_toolInvoke
tool called counter
ServiceHandle< Athena::IConditionsCleanerSvc > m_conditionsCleaner
bool m_scheduledStop
Scheduled stop of event processing.
virtual StatusCode stopRun() override
implementation of IEventProcessor::stopRun()
IConversionSvc_t m_histoPersSvc
tool_stats::const_iterator tool_stats_iterator
tool_stats m_toolAccept
tool returns StatusCode::SUCCESS counter
This class provides a unique identification for each event, in terms of run/event number and/or a tim...
SmartIF< IHiveWhiteBoard > m_whiteboard
Reference to the Whiteboard interface.
virtual int curEvent() const override
Return the current event count.
int declareEventRootAddress(EventContext &)
Declare the root address of the event.
EventContext m_lastEventContext
StoreGateSvc * eventStore() const
SmartIF< IAlgResourcePool > m_algResourcePool
Reference to the Algorithm resource pool.
number_type m_currentRun
current run number
AthenaHiveEventLoopMgr(const AthenaHiveEventLoopMgr &)=delete
IDataManagerSvc_t m_histoDataMgrSvc
Reference to the Histogram Data Service.
EvtContext * m_evtContext
Gaudi event selector Context (may be used as a cursor by the evt selector)
unsigned int m_nev
events processed
UnsignedIntegerProperty m_writeInterval
virtual StatusCode nextEvent(int maxevt) override
implementation of IAppMgrUI::nextEvent. maxevt==0 returns immediately
ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > StoreGateSvc_t
virtual StatusCode seek(int evt) override
Seek to a given event.