- Author
- phans.nosp@m.en@n.nosp@m.bi.dk
This package provides DriftCircle data from RDO. It transforms a raw drift time digit into a calibrated drift radius using various conditions data.
Class Overview
- AllowDigiVersionOverride : Permit using the Rt relation of another digi version
- ForcedDigiVersion : the other digi version (an integer)
- AllowDataMCOverride : Permit using data tools for retrieving MC constants or vice versa
- ForceData : use only data tools to access constants
- ForceUniversalErrors : a time-independent resolution is used
- UniversalError : the time-independent resolution
- DummyMode : the drift time info is not used
- ErrorFugdeFactor : the resolution is multiplied by this
- UseCalDb : TRTCalDbTool is used for Db access in case of data (default is TRT_CondDbTool)
- TRTCalDbTool : the tool handle is a property
- TRT_CondDbTool : the tool handle is a property