ATLAS Offline Software
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1 # Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 from AthenaConfiguration.AthConfigFlags import AthConfigFlags
6  pfConfigFlags=AthConfigFlags()
8  pfConfigFlags.addFlag("PF.EOverPMode",False) #This defines whether we use the standard reconstruction or dedicated e/p mode used to measure e/p reference values
9  pfConfigFlags.addFlag("PF.addClusterMoments",True) #This defines whether we add the cluster moments to neutral PFO
10  pfConfigFlags.addFlag("PF.useClusterMoments",True) #This defines whether we add a full list of cluster moments or not. Currently only the HLT config makes use of this flag, it is not used for offline config.
11  pfConfigFlags.addFlag("PF.useCalibHitTruthClusterMoments",False) #This defines whether we calculate the calibration hit moments - only possible on if running from special calibraiton hit ESD samples.
12  pfConfigFlags.addFlag("PF.useUpdated2015ChargedShowerSubtraction",True) #Toggle whether to use updated 2015 charged shower subtraction, which disables the shower subtraction in high calorimeter energy density regions
13  pfConfigFlags.addFlag("PF.useElPhotLinks", lambda prevFlags : prevFlags.Reco.EnableEgamma)
14  pfConfigFlags.addFlag("PF.useMuLinks", lambda prevFlags : prevFlags.Reco.EnableCombinedMuon)
15  pfConfigFlags.addFlag("PF.useMLEOverP",False) #Toggle whether to use the Machine Learning based EOverP inference or not
16  pfConfigFlags.addFlag("PF.EOverP_NN_Model",'/afs/') #Model to use in EOverP inference
17  #Reference location for cell ordering and e/p lookup in particle flow.
18  pfConfigFlags.addFlag("PF.EOverP_CellOrdering_ReferenceLocation",'eflowRec/PFCellEOverPTool/Run4/v4/')
19  pfConfigFlags.addFlag("PF.addCPData",False)
20  #Toggle whether to use the legacy EOverP (eflowCellEOverPTool_mc12_HLLHC.h) or not. Off by default so we use the new reference - this toggle is so we can compare old/new in the production system
21  #before eventually removing the old tool entirely.
22  pfConfigFlags.addFlag("PF.useLegacyEOverPRun4",False)
24  return pfConfigFlags
def createPFConfigFlags()