ATLAS Offline Software
SbPolyhedronPara Member List

This is the complete list of members for SbPolyhedronPara, including all inherited members.

add(const SbPolyhedron &p) constSbPolyhedron
AllocateMemory(int Nvert, int Nface)SbPolyhedronprotected
FindNeighbour(int iFace, int iNode, int iOrder) constSbPolyhedronprotected
FindNodeNormal(int iFace, int iNode) constSbPolyhedronprotected
GetFacet(int iFace, int &n, int *iNodes, int *edgeFlags=0, int *iFaces=0) constSbPolyhedron
GetFacet(int iFace, int &n, HVPoint3D *nodes, int *edgeFlags=0, HVNormal3D *normals=0) constSbPolyhedron
GetNextEdge(HVPoint3D &p1, HVPoint3D &p2, int &edgeFlag) constSbPolyhedron
GetNextEdge(HVPoint3D &p1, HVPoint3D &p2, int &edgeFlag, int &iface1, int &iface2) constSbPolyhedron
GetNextEdgeIndeces(int &i1, int &i2, int &edgeFlag, int &iface1, int &iface2) constSbPolyhedron
GetNextEdgeIndeces(int &i1, int &i2, int &edgeFlag) constSbPolyhedron
GetNextFacet(int &n, HVPoint3D *nodes, int *edgeFlags=0, HVNormal3D *normals=0) constSbPolyhedron
GetNextNormal(HVNormal3D &normal) constSbPolyhedron
GetNextUnitNormal(HVNormal3D &normal) constSbPolyhedron
GetNextVertex(HVPoint3D &vertex, int &edgeFlag) constSbPolyhedron
GetNextVertex(HVPoint3D &vertex, int &edgeFlag, HVNormal3D &normal) constSbPolyhedron
GetNextVertexIndex(int &index, int &edgeFlag) constSbPolyhedron
GetNoFacets() constSbPolyhedroninline
GetNormal(int iFace) constSbPolyhedron
GetNoVertices() constSbPolyhedroninline
GetSurfaceArea() constSbPolyhedron
GetUnitNormal(int iFace) constSbPolyhedron
GetVertex(int index) constSbPolyhedron
GetVertexFast(int index) constSbPolyhedron
GetVolume() constSbPolyhedron
intersect(const SbPolyhedron &p) constSbPolyhedron
operator=(const SbPolyhedron &from)SbPolyhedronParainlinevirtual
RotateAroundZ(int nstep, double phi, double dphi, int np1, int np2, const double *z, double *r, int nodeVis, int edgeVis)SbPolyhedronprotected
RotateEdge(int k1, int k2, double r1, double r2, int v1, int v2, int vEdge, bool ifWholeCircle, int ns, int &kface)SbPolyhedronprotected
SbPolyhedron(int Nvert=0, int Nface=0)SbPolyhedroninline
SbPolyhedron(const SbPolyhedron &from)SbPolyhedron
SbPolyhedronPara(double Dx, double Dy, double Dz, double Alpha, double Theta, double Phi)SbPolyhedronPara
SbPolyhedronTrap(double Dz, double Theta, double Phi, double Dy1, double Dx1, double Dx2, double Alp1, double Dy2, double Dx3, double Dx4, double Alp2)SbPolyhedronTrap
SetNumberOfRotationSteps(int n)SbPolyhedronstatic
SetSideFacets(int ii[4], int vv[4], int *kk, double *r, double dphi, int ns, int &kface)SbPolyhedronprotected
subtract(const SbPolyhedron &p) constSbPolyhedron
Transform(const HEPVis::SbRotation &rot, const SbVec3d &trans)SbPolyhedron