ATLAS Offline Software
TrkRoad Package


The TrkRoad class encapsulates the information required by the find() method of the muon segment makers. It contains a global position, a global direction, and the width of the road in the eta and phi directions.

Segment makers use this information in different ways:

  • The DHough MDT and CSC segment makers estimate the phi position and direction of the segment from the input road.
  • The DHough MDT segment maker uses the road width to limit the set of tubes used in the procedure.
  • The TGC and RPC segment makers use the input direction when the provided hits are too close together and can only give an estimate of the segment position.

Class Overview

The class interface provides a constructor, accesss methods and stream operators for debug printouts.

The companion class TrackRoadCollection provides a persistent DataVector of TrkRoad objects.