ATLAS Offline Software
TileDetDescr Package

This package provides detector constants for geometry description (TileGeoModel) for the TileCalorimeter.

Alexander Solodkov, Pavel Starovoitov


This package contains the factories for building the TileDetDescr Interface for TileGeoModel description.

The creation of the geometry is initiated by the DetectorTool (TileDetectorTool) which is called from GeoModelSvc. The DetectorTool calls the top level factory (TileDetectorFactory) which starts the building process.

Class Overview

The package contains several helper factories which build the different components of the Tile. Some of the other classes are described here:

  • TileCellDim: Base class for calculation all cell dimensions
  • TileDddbManager: Base class for access to all geometrical elements: TILE, Tile Globals, Modules, TILB, SCNT structure, Girder, TIFG, TICG and TICL
  • TileDetDescriptor: Base class contains the detector description information for the Tile calorimeters: Barrel, Ext.Barrel, Gap detector.
  • TileDetDescrManager: Base class for acceess geometrical data for: Tile Regions, Tile Descriptors, Calo Descriptors, Tile Modules and Cells
  • TileDetDescrRegion: This class provides an interface to detector description information for the regions (sub-detectors) of the Tile calorimeter.