ATLAS Offline Software
Muon::IMuonSeededSegmentFinder Member List

This is the complete list of members for Muon::IMuonSeededSegmentFinder, including all inherited members.

extractCscPrdCols(const std::set< IdentifierHash > &chIdHs, std::vector< const CscPrepDataCollection * > &target) const =0Muon::IMuonSeededSegmentFinderpure virtual
extractMdtPrdCols(const EventContext &ctx, const std::set< IdentifierHash > &chIdHs, std::vector< const MdtPrepDataCollection * > &target) const =0Muon::IMuonSeededSegmentFinderpure virtual
extractMMPrdCols(const std::set< IdentifierHash > &chIdHs, std::vector< const MMPrepDataCollection * > &target) const =0Muon::IMuonSeededSegmentFinderpure virtual
extractRpcPrdCols(const EventContext &ctx, const std::set< IdentifierHash > &chIdHs, std::vector< const RpcPrepDataCollection * > &target) const =0Muon::IMuonSeededSegmentFinderpure virtual
extractsTgcPrdCols(const EventContext &ctx, const std::set< IdentifierHash > &chIdHs, std::vector< const sTgcPrepDataCollection * > &target) const =0Muon::IMuonSeededSegmentFinderpure virtual
extractTgcPrdCols(const EventContext &ctx, const std::set< IdentifierHash > &chIdHs, std::vector< const TgcPrepDataCollection * > &target) const =0Muon::IMuonSeededSegmentFinderpure virtual
find(const EventContext &ctx, const Trk::TrackParameters &pars, const std::set< Identifier > &chIds) const =0Muon::IMuonSeededSegmentFinderpure virtual
find(const EventContext &ctx, const Trk::TrackParameters &pars, const std::set< IdentifierHash > &chIdHs) const =0Muon::IMuonSeededSegmentFinderpure virtual
find(const EventContext &ctx, const Trk::TrackParameters &pars, const std::vector< const MdtPrepData * > &mdtPrds) const =0Muon::IMuonSeededSegmentFinderpure virtual