ATLAS Offline Software
InDetTrackingGeometry Package

This Package contains the Layer and VolumeBuilder AlgTools that inherit from the Trk::IVolumeBuilder and Trk::ILayerBuilder interface classes. The GeoModel detector description is parsed and a simplified Trk::TrackingGeometry is created for navigation and material update in the Extrapolation realm.



Following classes are currently implemented:

  • InDet::BeamPipeBuilder: build a cylindrical Layer representing the BeamPipe.
  • InDet::PixelLayerBuilder: builds cylindrical and disc-like Layers for the Pixel detector.
  • InDet::SCT_LayerBuilder: builds cylindrical and disc-like Layers for the SCT detector.
  • InDet::TRT_VolumeBuilder: builds 3 cylindrical Trk::TrackingVolume for the TRT detector.
  • InDet::RobustTrackingGeometryBuilder: builds a connective Trl::TrackingGeometry for the Inner Detector

The dedicated Trk::TrackingVolume and Trk::Layer classes can be found in the TrkGeometry package in the Tracking/TrkDetDescr realm.

Material Comparison for DC2

The following plots show the comparison between the material distribution gathered from Geant4 simulation and the Trk::TrackingGeometry material description for DC2 Layout and default values. Fine-tuning of the values can be done by jobOptions acess.