ATLAS Offline Software
This is the complete list of members for TRTNoise, including all inherited members.
appendCrossTalkNoiseToProperDigits(std::vector< TRTDigit > &digitVect, const std::set< Identifier > &simhitsIdentifiers, const ServiceHandle< ITRT_StrawNeighbourSvc > &m_TRTStrawNeighbourSvc, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *noiseRndmEngine) | TRTNoise | |
appendPureNoiseToProperDigits(std::vector< TRTDigit > &digitVect, const std::set< int > &sim_hitids, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *noiseRndmEngine) | TRTNoise | |
AthMessaging(IMessageSvc *msgSvc, const std::string &name) | AthMessaging | |
AthMessaging(const std::string &name) | AthMessaging | |
AthMessaging() | AthMessaging | private |
AthMessaging(const AthMessaging &rhs) | AthMessaging | private |
ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE | AthMessaging | mutableprivate |
evolve_LT2AmpVsNL_to_include_LTfluct(std::vector< float > &nl_given_lt2na, const float &min_lt2na, const float &max_lt2na, const float relativeLTFluct, float &new_min_lt2na, float &new_max_lt2na, const unsigned int &number_new_bins) | TRTNoise | privatestatic |
getStrawIdentifier(int hitID) | TRTNoise | private |
initMessaging() const | AthMessaging | private |
InitThresholdsAndNoiseAmplitudes_and_ProduceNoiseDigitPool(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *noiseRndmEngine, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *elecNoiseRndmEngine, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *elecProcRndmEngine) | TRTNoise | private |
m_detmgr | TRTNoise | private |
m_digitPool | TRTNoise | private |
m_digitPoolLength | TRTNoise | private |
m_digitPoolLength_nextaccessindex | TRTNoise | private |
m_id_helper | TRTNoise | private |
m_imsg | AthMessaging | mutableprivate |
m_lvl | AthMessaging | mutableprivate |
m_msg_tls | AthMessaging | mutableprivate |
m_nm | AthMessaging | private |
m_noise_randengine | TRTNoise | private |
m_pDigConditions | TRTNoise | private |
m_pElectronicsNoise | TRTNoise | private |
m_pElectronicsProcessing | TRTNoise | private |
m_settings | TRTNoise | private |
m_sumTool | TRTNoise | private |
m_UseGasMix | TRTNoise | private |
makeInvertedLookupTable(const std::vector< float > &y_given_x, const float &min_x, const float &max_x, std::vector< float > &x_given_y, float &min_y, float &max_y) | TRTNoise | privatestatic |
msg() const | AthMessaging | inline |
msg(const MSG::Level lvl) const | AthMessaging | inline |
msgLvl(const MSG::Level lvl) const | AthMessaging | inline |
operator=(const AthMessaging &rhs) | AthMessaging | private |
ProduceNoiseDigitPool(const std::vector< float > &lowthresholds, const std::vector< float > &noiseamps, const std::vector< int > &strawType, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *noiseRndmEngine, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *elecNoiseRndmEngine, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *elecProcRndmEngine) | TRTNoise | private |
setLevel(MSG::Level lvl) | AthMessaging | |
simulateNoiseFrequency(const unsigned int &totalNumberOfTests, const double &electronicsNoiseAmplitude, double lowthreshold=-1.0) | TRTNoise | private |
sortDigits(std::vector< TRTDigit > &digitVect) | TRTNoise | static |
TRTNoise(const TRTDigSettings *, const InDetDD::TRT_DetectorManager *, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *noiseRndmEngine, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *elecNoiseRndmEngine, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *elecProcRndmEngine, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *elecNoiseResetRndmEngine, TRTDigCondBase *digcond, TRTElectronicsProcessing *ep, TRTElectronicsNoise *electronicsnoise, const TRT_ID *trt_id, int UseGasMix, ToolHandle< ITRT_StrawStatusSummaryTool > sumTool) | TRTNoise | |
useLookupTable(const float &x, const std::vector< float > &y_given_x, const float &min_x, const float &max_x) | TRTNoise | privatestatic |
~AthMessaging() | AthMessaging | virtual |
~TRTNoise() | TRTNoise |