ATLAS Offline Software
float xSV() const
To retrieve likelihood weight based on secondary vertex.
float xIP1D() const
To retrieve likelihood weight based on longitudinal impact parameter.
void validate(bool v)
To validate TrigL2Bjet object.
float xIP2D() const
To retrieve likelihood weight based on transverse impact parameter.
virtual void persToTrans(const TrigL2Bjet_p1 *persObj, TrigL2Bjet *transObj, MsgStream &log)
bool isValid() const
To know if TrigL2Bjet object is valid.
virtual double phi() const
get phi data member
Class representing a b-jet candidate created at L2.
float xEVtx() const
To retrieve likelihood weight based on energy of secondary vertex.
float xNVtx() const
To retrieve likelihood weight based on number of tracks linked to secondary vertex.
virtual double eta() const
get eta data member
float prmVtx() const
To retrieve reconstructed z of primary vertex.
float xMVtx() const
To retrieve likelihood weight based on mass of secondary vertex.
virtual void transToPers(const TrigL2Bjet *transObj, TrigL2Bjet_p1 *persObj, MsgStream &log)
int roiId() const
To retrieve identifier of the RoI (unique to each LVL1 RoI).
float xComb() const
To retrieve best likelihood weight (combination of IP3D and SV).
float xIP3D() const
To retrieve likelihood weight based on 2D combination of impact parameters.