ATLAS Offline Software


The package is used for sending the L2 result to the EF in the online environment where other serialization technologies are too heavy to be used. It is implemented as a tool and its interface is defined by ITrigSerializerToolBase. The clients use ITrigSerializer::serialize and ITrigSerializer::deserialize mathods. The most efficient way is to use one instance of serializer for sending all data. serialize and deserialize methods can be called many times on different objects. Before starting serialization of a new event (or unrelated data in general) ITrigSerializer::reset should be called. Serialization/deserialization keeps pointers to other objects valid.

There are two implementations Serializer and TrigTSerializer. Serializer uses Reflex while TrigTSerializer uses Root streaming.

The package contains also StringSerializer class for efficient serialization of strings and test classes from Sara Maguerite Traynor.

The package which is using this tools is HLT::Navigation.

Backward compatibility

Please note that the result of changes may affect possibility to read back data already taken. Please make sure that changes in this package (especially in Serializer) are well tested in this context.