Ionization of TRT gas via the Photon Absorption Ionization model.
- Author
- Originally implemented in age FORTRAN by Pavel Nevski. Adapted to C++ by T.Kittelmann/Mogens Dam.
The main reference for this implementation is
- V.M.Grishin, V.K.Ermilova, and S.K.Kotelnikov, NIM A307 (1991) 273-278.
Other references to the PAI model are
- V.C.Ermilova, L.P.Kotenko, and G.I.Merzon, NIM145 (1977) 555-563.
- J.H.Cobb, W.W.M.Allison, and J.N.Bunch, NIM133 (1976) 315-323.
- W.W.M.Allison and J.H.Cobb, Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci (1980), 253-98.
- Note
- Internally this package uses the original units of the fortran version. The external world sees CLHEP units.
Class Overview
The TRT_PAI_Process package contains of following classes: