ATLAS Offline Software
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
Control/StoreGate/StoreGate/exceptions.h File Reference

Exceptions that can be thrown from StoreGate. More...

#include "AthContainersInterfaces/AuxTypes.h"
#include "CxxUtils/sgkey_t.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ClassID.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/EventContext.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/DataHandle.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <string>
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class  SG::ExcNullHandleKey
 Exception — Attempt to dereference a Read/Write/UpdateHandle with a null key. More...
class  SG::ExcBadHandleKey
 Exception — Bad key format for VarHandleKey. More...
class  SG::ExcForbiddenMethod
 Exception — Forbidden method called. More...
class  SG::ExcHandleInitError
 Exception — Error initializing VarHandle from VarHandleKey. More...
class  SG::ExcUninitKey
 Exception — Tried to create a handle from an uninitialized key. More...
class  SG::ExcConstObject
 Exception — Tried to retrieve non-const pointer to const object. More...
class  SG::ExcNullWriteHandle
 Exception — Attempt to dereference write handle before record. More...
class  SG::ExcNullReadHandle
 Exception — Deference of read handle failed. More...
class  SG::ExcNullUpdateHandle
 Exception — Deference of update handle failed. More...
class  SG::ExcNonConstHandleKey
 Exception — Attempt to get non-const VarHandleKey from non-owning VarHandle. More...
class  SG::ExcInvalidIterator
 Exception — Deference invalid SG::Iterator. More...
class  SG::ExcBadInitializedReadHandleKey
 Exception — Initialization of InitializedReadHandleKey failed. More...
class  SG::ExcBadContext
 Exception — Bad EventContext extension while building ReadCondHandle. More...
class  SG::ExcNoCondCont
 Exception — Can't retrieve CondCont from ReadCondHandle. More...
class  SG::ExcBadReadCondHandleInit
 Exception — ReadCondHandle didn't initialize in getRange(). More...
class  SG::ExcNoRange
 Exception — Range not set in ReadCondHandle::getRange(). More...
class  SG::ExcBadDecorElement
 Exception — DecorHandle given an element not in the requested container. More...


 Forward declaration.


void SG::throwExcNullHandleKey ()
 Throw a SG::ExcNullHandleKey exception. More...
void SG::throwExcNullWriteHandle (CLID clid, const std::string &sgkey, const std::string &storename)
 Throw a SG::ExcNullWriteHandle exception. More...
void SG::throwExcNullReadHandle (CLID clid, const std::string &sgkey, const std::string &storename)
 Throw a SG::ExcNullReadHandle exception. More...
void SG::throwExcNullUpdateHandle (CLID clid, const std::string &sgkey, const std::string &storename)
 Throw a SG::ExcNullUpdateHandle exception. More...
void SG::throwExcNonConstHandleKey (CLID clid, const std::string &sgkey, const std::string &storename)
 Throw a SG::ExcNonConstHandleKey exception. More...
void SG::throwExcBadDecorElement (Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode mode, CLID clid, const std::string &decorKey)
 Throw a SG::ExcBadDecorElement exception. More...

Detailed Description

Exceptions that can be thrown from StoreGate.

scott snyder
Feb, 2016

Definition in file Control/StoreGate/StoreGate/exceptions.h.