ATLAS Offline Software
InDetPriVxFinderTool is a package which contains an AlgTool to calculate one or more primary vertices (in case of pile up events) of an event. The package contains four different approaches to reconstruct primary vertices. InDetPriVxFinderTool.cxx makes use of the Billoir fitting AlgTools in the package TrkVertexBilloirTools. InDetAdaptivePriVxFinderTool.cxx and InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool.cxx make use of deterministic annealing methods. All units are in mm and MeV.
InDetPriVxFinderTool.cxx It is a prototype usecase of the mathematical billoir fit AlgTools of the VxBilloirTools package. It is a typical tear down algorithm. It starts with a given collection of tracks, applies some quality cuts on tracks and feeds the fit AlgTool with all tracks which passed. The billoir tool stores the result in a VxCandidate object (see package Tracking/TrkEvent/VxVertex). After a first fit, InDetPriVxFinderTool.cxx loops again through tracks and selects them according to their \( \chi^{2} \) of the vertex fit. Tracks with too high \( \chi^{2} \) are rejected and the vertex is refittet. The result is stored in the VxContainer.
There are two versions on how the algorithm handles the \( \chi^{2} \) cut:
The track quality cuts \( ( p_t, d_0, \frac{d_0}{\sigma_{d_0}}, z_0, \chi^{2} ) \) can be set via jobOptions as well as the billoir method to be used (FullFit/FastFit).
This class provides an implementation for a primary vertex finding tool, which uses the Adaptive Vertex Fitter to reject outliers not belonging to the primary vertex interaction.
The steps done are simply;
Contrary to the InDetPriVxFinderTool, the outlier rejection is done by the fitter and not by the finder.
One only vertex can be fit, so it is not suited (as a finder) when many minimum bias vertices can be expected. In this case please use the InDetPriVxFinderTool.
This class provides an implementation for a primary vertex finding tool, which uses the Adaptive MultiVertex Fitter to solve the problem of finding the multiple interaction vertices and to find out the best possible assignment of the track to the vertices.
The steps done are the following:
then iteratively:
when no more than 2 seeding tracks are left:
In general the first VxCandidate* in the collection is the one with highest sqrt(N_tracks)*Sum Pt_track^2. This is the case if the selectiontype in the jobOptions is set to 0 (default).
This finder is particularly suited for the high luminosities scenarios which will came up at LHC.
The AlgTool is automatically configured (see genConf). Following properties can be set: