3 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.Utility.MenuPrescaleSet
import AutoPrescaleSetGen
6 For simple use-cases, automatic prescale sets can be generated according to the following rules.
8 To apply them, add the "_{prescale_set}_prescale" prefix to the provided menu name.
9 E.g. `flags.Trigger.triggerMenuSetup='MC_pp_run3_v1_NoBulkMCProd_prescale'`.
11 This is NOT meant to be used in data-taking, only for development tests and standard reprocessings/MC productions.
13 For any more complex prescale sets, refer to the `TrigMenuRulebook` (used to create PS sets for data-taking),
14 located at: https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas-trigger-menu/TrigMenuRulebook/
18 'Primary:PhaseI',
19 'Support:TagAndProbe',
23 menu_prescale_set_gens = {
25 'PrimaryL1PS': AutoPrescaleSetGen(enable_groups=primary_groups, disable_unused_l1_triggers=
28 'Primary': AutoPrescaleSetGen(enable_groups=primary_groups),
32 'HLTReprocessing': AutoPrescaleSetGen(
33 disable_groups=[
35 'HLT_cosmic_id_L1MU3V_EMPTY': 10,
36 'HLT_cosmic_id_L1MU8VF_EMPTY': 10,
41 'TriggerValidation': AutoPrescaleSetGen(disable_groups=[
44 'BulkMCProd': AutoPrescaleSetGen(disable_groups=[