| plotIsoValidation.parser |
| plotIsoValidation.description |
string | plotIsoValidation.prog = 'plotIsoValidation', |
| plotIsoValidation.formatter_class = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) |
| plotIsoValidation.help |
| plotIsoValidation.default |
| plotIsoValidation.action |
| plotIsoValidation.options = parser.parse_args() |
| plotIsoValidation.inFile = ROOT.TFile.Open(options.inFile, "READ") |
| plotIsoValidation.anaTree = inFile.Get("IsoCorrTest") |
| plotIsoValidation.Elec_Track_Iso = ROOT.TH1D("elec_track_iso", "track isolation", 55, -5, 50) |
| Prepare the histograms to be filled in the simple analysis. More...
| plotIsoValidation.Elec_Calo_Iso = ROOT.TH1D("elec_calo_iso", "calorimeter isolation", 55, -5, 50) |
| plotIsoValidation.Muon_Track_Iso = ROOT.TH1D("muon_track_iso", "track isolation", 55, -5, 50) |
| plotIsoValidation.Muon_Calo_Iso = ROOT.TH1D("muon_calo_iso", "calorimeter isolation", 55, -5, 50) |
| plotIsoValidation.Elec_RelTrack_Iso = ROOT.TH1D("elec_rel_track_iso", "track isolation", 52, -0.04, 1) |
| Isolation / pt of the particles. More...
| plotIsoValidation.Elec_RelCalo_Iso = ROOT.TH1D("elec_rel_calo_iso", "track isolation", 52, -0.04, 1) |
| plotIsoValidation.Muon_RelTrack_Iso = ROOT.TH1D("muon_rel_track_iso", "track isolation", 52, -0.04, 1) |
| plotIsoValidation.Muon_RelCalo_Iso = ROOT.TH1D("muon_rel_calo_iso", "track isolation", 52, -0.04, 1) |
| plotIsoValidation.Elec_Track_polution_dR = ROOT.TH2D("elec_track_polution_dR", "track_isolaiton against dR",50, 0, 0.5, 100, -1.5, 1.5 ) |
| Isolation / track of the closest particle — deltaR. More...
| plotIsoValidation.Elec_Topo_polution_dR = ROOT.TH2D("elec_calo_polution_dR", "calorimeter isolation against dR",50, 0, 0.5, 100, -1.5, 1.5) |
| plotIsoValidation.Muon_Track_polution_dR = ROOT.TH2D("muon_track_polution_dR", "track_isolaiton against dR", 50, 0, 0.5, 100, -1.5, 1.5) |
| plotIsoValidation.Muon_Topo_polution_dR = ROOT.TH2D("muon_calo_polution_dR", "calorimeter isolation against dR", 50, 0, 0.5, 100, -1.5, 1.5) |
| plotIsoValidation.N_Isolated_Muon = ROOT.TH1D("N_muons", "Isolated #mu", 6, 0, 6); |
| plotIsoValidation.N_Isolated_Elec = ROOT.TH1D("N_elec", "Elec #mu", 6, 0, 6); |
list | plotIsoValidation.AllHistos |
| plotIsoValidation.treeReader = ROOT.TTreeReader("IsoCorrTest", inFile) |
list | plotIsoValidation.branch_names = [ B.GetName() for B in anaTree.GetListOfBranches() ] |
list | plotIsoValidation.mu_trk_cone_names = [b [ b.find("Corr" if options.useCorrectedCones else "Orig") + 5 :] for b in branch_names if b.find("Muons_%s_pt"%("Corr" if options.useCorrectedCones else "Orig")) != -1] |
| Find the isolation variables in the list of branches. More...
list | plotIsoValidation.mu_calo_cone_names |
list | plotIsoValidation.el_trk_cone_names = [ b [ b.find("Corr" if options.useCorrectedCones else "Orig") + 5 :] for b in branch_names if b.find("Electrons_%s_pt"%("Corr" if options.useCorrectedCones else "Orig")) != -1] |
list | plotIsoValidation.el_calo_cone_names |
| plotIsoValidation.mu_pt = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Muons_pt") |
| plotIsoValidation.mu_eta = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Muons_eta") |
| plotIsoValidation.mu_phi = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Muons_phi") |
| plotIsoValidation.mu_trk = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Muons_trackPt") |
| plotIsoValidation.mu_clu = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Muons_clusterEt") |
| plotIsoValidation.mu_clu_eta = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Muons_clusterEta") |
| plotIsoValidation.mu_clu_phi = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Muons_clusterPhi") |
int | plotIsoValidation.mu_trk_iso = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Muons_%s_%s"%("Corr" if options.useCorrectedCones else "Orig", mu_trk_cone_names[0])) if len(mu_trk_cone_names) > 0 else None |
int | plotIsoValidation.mu_calo_iso = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Muons_%s_%s"%("Corr" if options.useCorrectedCones else "Orig",mu_calo_cone_names[0])) if len (mu_calo_cone_names) > 0 else None |
| plotIsoValidation.el_pt = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Electrons_pt") |
| plotIsoValidation.el_eta = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Electrons_eta") |
| plotIsoValidation.el_phi = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Electrons_phi") |
| plotIsoValidation.el_trk = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Electrons_trackPt") |
| plotIsoValidation.el_clu = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Electrons_clusterEt") |
| plotIsoValidation.el_clu_eta = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Electrons_clusterEta") |
| plotIsoValidation.el_clu_phi = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Electrons_clusterPhi") |
int | plotIsoValidation.el_trk_iso = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Electrons_%s_%s"%("Corr" if options.useCorrectedCones else "Orig", el_trk_cone_names[0])) if len(el_trk_cone_names) > 0 else None |
int | plotIsoValidation.el_calo_iso = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(float)(treeReader, "Electrons_%s_%s"%("Corr" if options.useCorrectedCones else "Orig",el_calo_cone_names[0])) if len(el_calo_cone_names) > 0 else None |
| plotIsoValidation.el_pass_iso = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(bool)(treeReader, "Muons_%sPassIso"%("Corr" if options.useCorrectedCones else "Orig")) |
| plotIsoValidation.mu_pass_iso = ROOT.TTreeReaderArray(bool)(treeReader, "Electrons_%sPassIso"%("Corr" if options.useCorrectedCones else "Orig")) |
list | plotIsoValidation.muon_t_vec = [] |
list | plotIsoValidation.elec_t_vec = [] |
list | plotIsoValidation.elec_t_calo_vec = [] |
list | plotIsoValidation.muon_t_calo_vec = [] |
| plotIsoValidation.mu = ROOT.TLorentzVector() |
| plotIsoValidation.calo_mu = ROOT.TLorentzVector() |
| plotIsoValidation.el = ROOT.TLorentzVector() |
| plotIsoValidation.calo_el = ROOT.TLorentzVector() |
| plotIsoValidation.dummy_canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("dummy", "dummy", 800, 600) |
| Fill the muon histogram. More...
bool | plotIsoValidation.saved_once = False |