ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 */
5 #ifndef TileTBFrag_H
6 #define TileTBFrag_H
14 #define TILE_BEAM_ID 0x50
15 #define TILE_POS_ID 0x51
16 #define TILE_NEG_ID 0x52
17 #define TILE_EBPOS_ID 0x53
18 #define TILE_EBNEG_ID 0x54
19 #define COMMON_BEAM_ID 0x70
21 #define MAX_ROD_FRAG 16 /* max number of fragments in any ROD */
23 #define BEAM_TDC_FRAG 0x000
24 #define BEAM_ADC_FRAG 0x001
25 #define MUON_ADC_FRAG 0x002
26 #define ADDR_ADC_FRAG 0x003
27 #define LASE_PTN_FRAG 0x004
28 #define LASE_ADC_FRAG 0x005
29 #define ADD_FADC_FRAG 0x006
30 #define ECAL_ADC_FRAG 0x007
32 #define COIN_TRIG1_FRAG 0x008
33 #define COIN_TRIG2_FRAG 0x009
34 #define COIN_TRIG3_FRAG 0x00A
35 #define COIN_TRIG4_FRAG 0x00B
36 #define COIN_TRIG5_FRAG 0x00C
37 #define COIN_TRIG6_FRAG 0x00D
38 #define COIN_TRIG7_FRAG 0x00E
39 #define COIN_TRIG8_FRAG 0x00F
41 #define DIGI_PAR_FRAG 0x0ff
43 #define COMMON_ADC1_FRAG 0x010
44 #define COMMON_ADC2_FRAG 0x011
45 #define COMMON_TOF_FRAG 0x012
46 #define COMMON_TDC1_FRAG 0x013
47 #define COMMON_TDC2_FRAG 0x014
48 #define COMMON_PTN_FRAG 0x015
49 #define LASER_OBJ_FRAG 0x016
50 #define LASERII_OBJ_FRAG 0x017
52 #define MAX_PMT 48 /* 48 pmts (channels) in one drawer */
53 #define MAX_DIGI_CHAN 96 /* 16*3*2 channels in calibration mode */
54 #define MAX_CHAN_SAMP 36 /* in calib mode including header and CRC */
56 #include <string>
58 static const std::string BeamFragName[32] = {
59  "Tile Beam TDC", // 0x000
60  "Tile Beam ADC", // 0x001
61  "Tile MuWall ADC1", // 0x002
62  "Tile MuWall ADC2", // 0x003
63  "Tile Pattern Unit",// 0x004
64  "Tile Laser ADC", // 0x005
65  "Tile Adder FADC", // 0x006
66  "Tile Phantom ADC", // 0x007
67  "Tile Coincidence Trig1", // 0x008
68  "Tile Coincidence Trig2", // 0x009
69  "Tile Coincidence Trig3", // 0x00A
70  "Tile Coincidence Trig4", // 0x00B
71  "Tile Coincidence Trig5", // 0x00C
72  "Tile Coincidence Trig6", // 0x00D
73  "Tile Coincidence Trig7", // 0x00E
74  "Tile Coincidence Trig8", // 0x00F
75  "Common Beam ADC1", // 0x010
76  "Common Beam ADC2", // 0x011
77  "Common Beam ToF TDC", // 0x012
78  "Common Beam TDC1", // 0x013
79  "Common Beam TDC2", // 0x014
80  "Common Beam Pattern Unit", // 0x015
81  "LASTROD Laser data", // 0x016
82  "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
83  "CIS parameters", // 0x0FF -> 0x01F
84 };
86 #endif