ATLAS Offline Software
TrkGeometry Package

The TrkGeometry package combines the geometrical classes from the TrkSurfaces and TrkVolumes expressed through the Surface and Volume classes with material and magnetic field information to its physical representation Trk::Layer respectively Trk::TrackingVolume.



The Trk::TrackingGeometry class is holder class of the highest Trk::TrackingVolume declared either through jobOptions or built through the GeometryBuilder from the TrkDetDescrTools package. It enables a global search for an associated Trk::TrackingVolume/Trk::Layer such as the continous navigation via BoundarySurfaces between the various TrackingVolumes.

Class Overview

The TrkGeometry package contains following classes:

  • Trk::Layer: Abstract Base class for a layer description
    • CylinderLayer: cylindrical implementation, extends Layer and CylinderSurface
    • DiscLayer: disc-like implementation, extends Layer and DiscSurface
    • PlaneLayer: planar implementation, extends Layer and PlaneSurface
  • Trk::LayerMaterialProperties: material description for a Layer that can be multi-layered
  • Trk::MaterialProperties: material descriptions for TrackingVolume
  • Trk::MagneticFieldProperties: magnetic field descriptions for TrackingVolume an Layer
  • Trk::TrackingVolume: extends the Volume class from the TrkVolume package with pysical properties
  • Trk::TrackingGeometry: holder class of the highest TrackingVolume