The TrkGeometry package combines the geometrical classes from the TrkSurfaces and TrkVolumes expressed through the Surface and Volume classes with material and magnetic field information to its physical representation Trk::Layer respectively Trk::TrackingVolume.
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The Trk::TrackingGeometry class is holder class of the highest Trk::TrackingVolume declared either through jobOptions or built through the GeometryBuilder from the TrkDetDescrTools package. It enables a global search for an associated Trk::TrackingVolume/Trk::Layer such as the continous navigation via BoundarySurfaces between the various TrackingVolumes.
Class Overview
The TrkGeometry package contains following classes:
- Trk::Layer: Abstract Base class for a layer description
- CylinderLayer: cylindrical implementation, extends Layer and CylinderSurface
- DiscLayer: disc-like implementation, extends Layer and DiscSurface
- PlaneLayer: planar implementation, extends Layer and PlaneSurface
- Trk::LayerMaterialProperties: material description for a Layer that can be multi-layered
- Trk::MaterialProperties: material descriptions for TrackingVolume
- Trk::MagneticFieldProperties: magnetic field descriptions for TrackingVolume an Layer
- Trk::TrackingVolume: extends the Volume class from the TrkVolume package with pysical properties
- Trk::TrackingGeometry: holder class of the highest TrackingVolume