ATLAS Offline Software
This is the complete list of members for TEventClass, including all inherited members.
addListener(TVirtualIncidentListener *listener) | xAOD::TEvent | |
addNameRemap(const std::string &onfile, const std::string &newName) | xAOD::TEvent | |
addToStore(CLID id, SG::DataProxy *proxy) override | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE | xAOD::TEvent | mutableprotected |
auxMode() const | xAOD::TEvent | |
CACHE_SIZE | xAOD::TEvent | protectedstatic |
clearListeners() | xAOD::TEvent | |
clearNameRemap() | xAOD::TEvent | |
connectAux(const std::string &prefix, ::Bool_t standalone) | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
connectBranch(const std::string &key, ::Bool_t silent=kFALSE) | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
connectMetaAux(const std::string &prefix, ::Bool_t standalone) | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
connectMetaBranch(const std::string &key, ::Bool_t silent=kFALSE) | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
contains(const std::string &key) | xAOD::TEvent | |
contains(const std::string &key, const std::type_info &ti, ::Bool_t metadata=kFALSE) | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
containsMeta(const std::string &key) | xAOD::TEvent | |
copy(const std::string &key, ::Int_t basketSize=32000, ::Int_t splitLevel=0) | xAOD::TEvent | |
copy(::Int_t basketSize=32000, ::Int_t splitLevel=0) | xAOD::TEvent | |
DEFAULT_KEY | xAOD::TVirtualEvent | static |
dump() | xAOD::TEvent | |
EAuxMode enum name | xAOD::TEvent | |
EVENT_TREE_NAME | xAOD::TEvent | protectedstatic |
fill() | xAOD::TEvent | |
finishWritingTo(::TFile *file) | xAOD::TEvent | |
getBranchInfo(SG::sgkey_t sgkey) const | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
getEntries() const | xAOD::TEvent | |
getEntry(::Long64_t entry, ::Int_t getall=0) | xAOD::TEvent | |
getEventFormatElement(SG::sgkey_t sgkey) const | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
getFile(::Long64_t file, ::Int_t getall=0) | xAOD::TEvent | |
getFiles() const | xAOD::TEvent | |
getHash(const std::string &key) const override | xAOD::TEvent | virtual |
getInputObject(SG::sgkey_t key, const std::type_info &ti, bool silent=false) override | xAOD::TEvent | protectedvirtual |
getInputObject(const std::string &key, const std::type_info &ti, ::Bool_t silent=kFALSE, ::Bool_t metadata=kFALSE) | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
getKey(const void *obj) const override | xAOD::TEvent | virtual |
getName(const void *obj) const override | xAOD::TEvent | virtual |
getName(SG::sgkey_t hash) const override | xAOD::TEvent | virtual |
getNames(const std::string &targetClassName, std::vector< std::string > &vkeys, bool metadata=false) const override | xAOD::TEvent | protectedvirtual |
getOutputObject(SG::sgkey_t key, const std::type_info &ti) override | xAOD::TEvent | protectedvirtual |
getOutputObject(const std::string &key, const std::type_info &ti, ::Bool_t metadata=kFALSE) const | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
hasAuxStore(const TObjectManager &mgr) | xAOD::TEvent | protectedstatic |
initStats() | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
inputEventFormat() const | xAOD::TEvent | |
isAuxStore(const TObjectManager &mgr) | xAOD::TEvent | protectedstatic |
isStandalone(const TObjectManager &mgr) | xAOD::TEvent | protectedstatic |
kAthenaAccess enum value | xAOD::TEvent | |
kBranchAccess enum value | xAOD::TEvent | |
kClassAccess enum value | xAOD::TEvent | |
KEY_MASK | xAOD::TVirtualEvent | static |
keys(std::vector< std::string > &vkeys, bool metadata=false) const | xAOD::TVirtualEvent | |
keyToString(SG::sgkey_t key) const override | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
keyToString(SG::sgkey_t key, CLID &clid) const override | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
kUndefinedAccess enum value | xAOD::TEvent | |
Listener_t typedef | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
loadInputObjects() | TEventClass | inline |
m_auxItemList | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_auxMode | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_branchesMutex | xAOD::TEvent | mutableprotected |
m_entry | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_inChain | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_inChainTracker | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_inMetaTree | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_inputEventFormat | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_inputMetaObjects | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_inputMissingObjects | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_inputObjects | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_inTree | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_inTreeMissing | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_inTreeNumber | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_listeners | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_nameRemapping | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_outputEventFormat | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_outputMetaObjects | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_outputObjects | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_outTree | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
m_printEventProxyWarnings | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
METADATA_TREE_NAME | xAOD::TEvent | protectedstatic |
name() const override | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
Object_t typedef | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
operator=(const TEvent &rhs)=delete | xAOD::TEvent | |
outputEventFormat() const | xAOD::TEvent | |
printIOStats() const | xAOD::TEvent | |
printNameRemap() const | xAOD::TEvent | |
proxies() const override | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
proxy(const void *const pTransient) const override | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
proxy(const CLID &id, const std::string &key) const override | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
proxy_exact(SG::sgkey_t sgkey) const override | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
putAux(::TTree &outTree, TVirtualManager &mgr, ::Int_t basketSize=32000, ::Int_t splitLevel=0, ::Bool_t metadata=kFALSE) | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
readFrom(::TFile *file, Bool_t useTreeCache=kTRUE, const char *treeName=EVENT_TREE_NAME) | xAOD::TEvent | |
readFrom(::TTree *tree, Bool_t useTreeCache=kTRUE) | xAOD::TEvent | |
record(T *obj, const std::string &key, ::Int_t basketSize=32000, ::Int_t splitLevel=0) | xAOD::TEvent | |
record(std::unique_ptr< T > obj, const std::string &key, ::Int_t basketSize=32000, ::Int_t splitLevel=0) | xAOD::TEvent | |
record(void *obj, const std::string &typeName, const std::string &key, ::Int_t basketSize, ::Int_t splitLevel, ::Bool_t overwrite=kFALSE, ::Bool_t metadata=kFALSE, ::Bool_t isOwner=kTRUE) | xAOD::TEvent | |
record(TAuxStore *store, const std::string &key, ::Int_t basketSize, ::Int_t splitLevel, ::Bool_t ownsStore=kFALSE) | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
recordAux(const std::string &key, SG::IAuxStoreHolder::AuxStoreType type=SG::IAuxStoreHolder::AST_ContainerStore, Int_t basketSize=32000, Int_t splitLevel=0) | xAOD::TEvent | |
recordMeta(T *obj, const std::string &key, ::Int_t basketSize=32000, ::Int_t splitLevel=1) | xAOD::TEvent | |
recordMeta(std::unique_ptr< T > obj, const std::string &key, ::Int_t basketSize=32000, ::Int_t splitLevel=1) | xAOD::TEvent | |
recordObject(SG::DataObjectSharedPtr< DataObject > obj, const std::string &key, bool allowMods, bool returnExisting) override | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
registerKey(SG::sgkey_t key, const std::string &str, CLID clid) override | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
removeListener(TVirtualIncidentListener *listener) | xAOD::TEvent | |
retrieve(const T *&obj, const std::string &key) | xAOD::TEvent | |
retrieve(T *&obj, const std::string &key) | xAOD::TEvent | |
xAOD::TVirtualEvent::retrieve(const T *&obj, sgkey_t key=DEFAULT_KEY, bool silent=false) | xAOD::TVirtualEvent | |
xAOD::TVirtualEvent::retrieve(const T *&obj, const std::string &key, bool silent=false) | xAOD::TVirtualEvent | |
retrieveMetaInput(const T *&obj, const std::string &key) | xAOD::TEvent | |
retrieveMetaOutput(const T *&obj, const std::string &key) | xAOD::TEvent | |
retrieveMetaOutput(T *&obj, const std::string &key) | xAOD::TEvent | |
setActive() const | xAOD::TEvent | |
setAuxItemList(const std::string &containerKey, const std::string &itemList) | xAOD::TEvent | |
setAuxStore(TObjectManager &mgr, ::Bool_t metadata=kFALSE) | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
setPrintEventProxyWarnings(bool) | xAOD::TEvent | |
setUpDynamicStore(TObjectManager &mgr, ::TTree *tree) | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
sgkey_t typedef | xAOD::TVirtualEvent | |
stringToKey(const std::string &str, CLID clid) override | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
TEvent(EAuxMode mode=kUndefinedAccess) | xAOD::TEvent | |
TEvent(::TFile *file, EAuxMode mode=kUndefinedAccess) | xAOD::TEvent | |
TEvent(::TTree *tree, EAuxMode mode=kUndefinedAccess) | xAOD::TEvent | |
TEvent(const TEvent &parent)=delete | xAOD::TEvent | |
TEventClass(xAOD::TEvent::EAuxMode mode) | TEventClass | inline |
transientContains(const std::string &key) const | xAOD::TEvent | |
transientContains(const std::string &key, const std::type_info &ti, ::Bool_t metadata=kFALSE) const | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
transientContainsMeta(const std::string &key) const | xAOD::TEvent | |
upgrade_mutex_t typedef | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
upgrading_lock_t typedef | xAOD::TEvent | protected |
writeTo(::TFile *file, Int_t autoFlush=200, const char *treeName=EVENT_TREE_NAME) | xAOD::TEvent | |
~TEvent() | xAOD::TEvent | virtual |
~TVirtualEvent()=default | xAOD::TVirtualEvent | virtual |