ATLAS Offline Software
Namespaces | Functions
P4Helpers.h File Reference
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include "CxxUtils/fpcompare.h"
#include "EventKernel/I4Momentum.h"
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 P4Helpers provides static helper functions for kinematic calculation on objects deriving from I4Momentum.


double P4Helpers::deltaPhi (double phiA, double phiB)
 delta Phi in range [-pi,pi[ More...
double P4Helpers::deltaEta (const I4Momentum &p1, const I4Momentum &p2)
 Computes efficiently \( \Delta{\eta} \). More...
double P4Helpers::deltaEtaSq (const I4Momentum &p1, const I4Momentum &p2)
 Computes efficiently \( \Delta{\eta}^2 \). More...
double P4Helpers::deltaEta (const I4Momentum *const p1, const I4Momentum *const p2)
 Computes efficiently \( \Delta{\eta} \), pointer args. More...
double P4Helpers::deltaPhi (const I4Momentum &p4, const double phi)
 delta Phi in range [-pi,pi[ from one I4momentum reference More...
double P4Helpers::deltaPhi (const I4Momentum &pA, const I4Momentum &pB)
 delta Phi in range [-pi,pi[ from two I4momentum references More...
double P4Helpers::deltaPhiSq (const I4Momentum &pA, const I4Momentum &pB)
 delta Phi squared in range ([-pi,pi[)^2 from two I4momentum references More...
double P4Helpers::deltaPhi (const I4Momentum *const pA, const I4Momentum *const pB)
 delta Phi in range [-pi,pi[ from two I4momentum pointers More...
double P4Helpers::deltaR (const I4Momentum &p4, double eta, double phi)
 \( \Delta{R} \) from 1 I4Momentum More...
double P4Helpers::deltaR (const I4Momentum &pA, const I4Momentum &pB)
 delta R from two I4momentum reference More...
double P4Helpers::deltaR (const I4Momentum *const pA, const I4Momentum *const pB)
 delta R from two I4momentum pointers More...
bool P4Helpers::isInDeltaR (const I4Momentum &p1, const I4Momentum &p2, double dR)
 Check if 2 I4Momentum are in a \( \Delta{R} \) cone. More...
double P4Helpers::invMass (const I4Momentum &pA, const I4Momentum &pB)
 invariant mass from two I4momentum references More...
double P4Helpers::invMass (const I4Momentum *const pA, const I4Momentum *const pB)
 invariant mass from two I4momentum pointers More...
double P4Helpers::invMass (const I4Momentum &pA, const I4Momentum &pB, const I4Momentum &pC, const I4Momentum &pD)
 invariant mass from four I4momentum references More...
double P4Helpers::invMass (const I4Momentum *const pA, const I4Momentum *const pB, const I4Momentum *const pC, const I4Momentum *const pD)
 invariant mass from four I4momentum pointers More...
template<class Iterator_t , class Predicate_t >
void P4Helpers::sort (Iterator_t itr, Iterator_t itrEnd, Predicate_t p)
 sort a container according to the given predicate More...
template<class Container_t , class Predicate_t >
void P4Helpers::sort (Container_t &container, Predicate_t p)
 sort a container according to the given predicate More...
template<class Container_t >
bool P4Helpers::closestDeltaR (const double eta, const double phi, Container_t &coll, std::size_t &index, double &deltaR)
 Find the closest element in a collection to an I4Momentum. More...
template<class Container_t >
bool P4Helpers::closestDeltaR (const I4Momentum &p4, Container_t &coll, std::size_t &index, double &deltaR)
 Find the closest element in a collection to an I4Momentum. More...
template<class Container_t >
bool P4Helpers::closestDeltaR (const double eta, const double phi, const double ene, Container_t &coll, std::size_t &index, double &deltaR, double &deltaE)
 find the closest element in R - with a condition on E More...
template<class Container_t >
bool P4Helpers::closestDeltaR (const I4Momentum &p4, Container_t &coll, std::size_t &index, double &deltaR, double &deltaE)
 find the closest element in R - with a condition on E More...