ATLAS Offline Software
This package provides helper classes for TileCal identifiers
TileHWID helper class is the class to build TileCal online identifiers which are used to identify individual raw channels and ADCs.
TileTBID is the helper class to identify additional ancillary detectors at the testbeam as well as 32 MBTS counters.
TileFragHash creates fragment ID hash for Identifiable Containers like TileRawChannelContainer, TileDigitsContainer, TileBeamElemContainer (see TileEvent package) This hash is used as a key in StoreGage for every collection of Identifiable Container. To have more than one TileRawChannelContainers in StoreGate, the hash can be built with an offset, which is determined by TileFragHash::TYPE. Addional offset is calculated as m_offset = (int)TYPE * 0x1000;
TileRodIdHash provides conversion between fragment ID hash (defined in TileFragHash) and ROB ID in ByteStream file. It is used by BS conversion service to provide pointer to correct ROB fragment when fragment with certain hash ID need to be unpacked
TileTTL1Hash builds the hash ID table for all Level 1 Trigger Towers
TileTBFrag.h header file contains fragment IDs of all possible fragments which can appear in "ancillary ROD" fragment - all ancillary detectors associated with TileCal, e.g. Muon Wall at the testbeam or Trigger Boards in cosmic data