- Author
- rober.nosp@m.th@b.nosp@m.u.edu
Daniel Kollar danie.nosp@m.l.ko.nosp@m.llar@.nosp@m.cern.nosp@m..ch
This package contains classes to be used for track-based alignment.
Class Overview
The package contains the following classes:
- AlignModule: a generalized alignable module, consisting of groups of detectors to be aligned as a single structure
- AlignModuleList: list of all AlignModules
- AlignTSOS: inherits from TrackStateOnSurface, contains derivatives and information about AlignModule to which hit belongs
- AlignTrack: collection of AlignTSOS and the original track from which the alignTSOS hits come from
- AlignTrackCollection: collection of AlignTracks