ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 */
5 #include "SCT_RodDecoder.h"
14 #include <algorithm>
15 #include <array>
16 #include <utility>
18 // Constructor
20 SCT_RodDecoder::SCT_RodDecoder(const std::string& type, const std::string& name,
21  const IInterface* parent) :
22  base_class(type, name, parent)
23 {
24 }
26 // Initialize
29 {
32  // Retrieve cabling tool
33  ATH_CHECK(m_cabling.retrieve());
34  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Retrieved tool " << m_cabling);
36  ATH_CHECK(detStore()->retrieve(m_sctID,"SCT_ID"));
40  ATH_CHECK(m_configTool.retrieve());
42  // See if strip numbers go from 0 to N_STRIPS_PER_SIDE-1(=767) or vice versa for all the wafers.
43  // swapPhiReadoutDirection will not change during a run.
44  // Since this is access to SiDetectorElement during initialization,
45  // condition object of SiDetectorElementCollection is not accessible.
46  // SCT_DetectorManager has to be used.
47  const InDetDD::SCT_DetectorManager* sctDetManager{nullptr};
48  ATH_CHECK(detStore()->retrieve(sctDetManager, "SCT"));
50  const InDetDD::SiDetectorElementCollection* sctDetElementColl{sctDetManager->getDetectorElementCollection()};
51  for (const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement* element: *sctDetElementColl) {
52  if (element->swapPhiReadoutDirection()) {
53  m_swapPhiReadoutDirection[element->identifyHash()] = true;
54  }
55  }
57  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
58 }
60 // Finalize
63 {
64  // Print out summaries of data and errors decoded
65  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: " << m_headNumber <<" link headers found");
66  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: " << m_trailerNumber << " link trailers found");
68  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT decoding bytestream summary: "
69  << m_singleCondHitNumber << " single strips with hit in condensed mode");
70  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT decoding bytestream summary: "
71  << m_pairedCondHitNumber << " paired strips with hit in condensed mode");
72  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT decoding bytestream summary: "
73  << m_firstExpHitNumber << " first strips with hit in expanded mode");
74  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT decoding bytestream summary: "
75  << m_evenExpHitNumber << " consecutive paired strips with hit in expanded mode");
76  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT decoding bytestream summary: "
77  << m_lastExpHitNumber << " last consecutive strips with hit in expanded mode");
79  if (m_headErrorBCID > 0) {
80  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: header-> "
81  << m_headErrorLvl1ID << " LVL1d errors found");
82  }
83  if (m_headErrorTimeout > 0) {
84  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: header-> "
85  << m_headErrorTimeout << " timeout errors found");
86  }
87  if (m_headErrorFormatter > 0) {
88  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: header-> "
89  << m_headErrorFormatter << " formatter errors found");
90  }
91  if (m_headErrorPreamble > 0) {
92  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: header-> "
93  << m_headErrorPreamble << " preamble errors found");
94  }
95  if (m_maskedLinkNumber > 0) {
96  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: header-> "
97  << m_maskedLinkNumber << " masked links found");
98  }
100  if (m_trailerErrorOverflow > 0) {
101  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: trailer-> "
102  << m_trailerErrorOverflow << " trailer data overflow errors found");
103  }
104  if (m_trailerErrorLimit > 0) {
105  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: trailer-> "
106  << m_trailerErrorLimit << " header trailer limit errors found");
107  }
108  if (m_trailerErrorBit > 0) {
109  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: trailer-> "
110  << m_trailerErrorBit << " trailer bit errors found");
111  }
113  if (m_configDataBit > 0) {
114  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: raw Data-> "
115  << m_configDataBit << " raw data found: Config data mode");
116  }
118  if (m_flagErrorBit > 0) {
119  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: flag-> "
120  << m_flagErrorBit << " module link flag bit errors found");
121  }
123  if (m_condHit1Error > 0) {
124  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: hit-> "
125  << m_condHit1Error << " 1st hit error found in condensed mode");
126  }
127  if (m_condHit2Error > 0) {
128  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: hit-> "
129  << m_condHit2Error << " 2nd hit error found in condensed mode");
130  }
131  if (m_chipNumberError > 0) {
132  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: hit-> "
133  << m_chipNumberError << " Chip number > 5 error found");
134  }
136  if (m_unknownDataFormat > 0) {
137  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: unknown data-> "
138  << m_unknownDataFormat << " Unknown data format found");
139  }
141  if (m_rodClockErrorNumber > 0) {
142  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: ROD status word-> "
143  << m_rodClockErrorNumber << " ROD clock errors found");
144  }
145  if (m_maskedRODNumber > 0) {
146  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: ROB status word-> "
147  << m_maskedRODNumber << " masked RODs found");
148  }
149  if (m_truncatedRODNumber > 0) {
150  ATH_MSG_INFO("SCT BytestreamCnv summary: ROB status word-> "
151  << m_truncatedRODNumber << " truncated ROBFragments");
152  }
154  ATH_MSG_INFO("Number of SCT hits in ByteStream-> " << m_nHits);
155  ATH_MSG_INFO("Number of SCT RDOs created-> " << m_nRDOs);
157  if (m_numMissingLinkHeader > 0) ATH_MSG_WARNING("SCT Missing Link Headers found " << m_numMissingLinkHeader);
160  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("SCT_RodDecoder::finalize()");
162  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
163 }
166 // fillCollection method
168  SCT_RDO_Container& rdoIDCont,
169  IDCInDetBSErrContainer& errorsIDC,
170  DataPool<SCT3_RawData>* dataItemsPool,
171  const EventContext& ctx,
172  const std::vector<IdentifierHash>* vecHash) const
173 {
174  SCT_RodDecoderErrorsHelper errs{errorsIDC}; // on destruction will fill the IDC
176  const uint32_t robID{robFrag.rod_source_id()};
178  // Determine whether this data was generated using the ROD simulator
179  const uint32_t rodDataType{robFrag.rod_detev_type()};
180  const bool rodSimulatedData{static_cast<bool>((rodDataType >> 20) & 0x1)};
181  if (rodSimulatedData) ATH_CHECK(addRODError(robID, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::RODSimulatedData, errs));
183  // Look for the bit that denotes "Super-condensed" mode
184  const bool superCondensedMode{static_cast<bool>((rodDataType >> 21) & 0x1)};
186  StatusCode sc{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
188  // Look at ROB status word
189  if (robFrag.nstatus()!=0) {
190  const uint32_t* robStatus;
191  robFrag.status(robStatus);
192  if ((*robStatus)!=0) {
193  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ROB status word for robID " << std::hex << robID
194  << " is non-zero " << (*robStatus) << std::dec);
195  // First store generic "ROBFragmentError" error type.
196  ATH_CHECK(addRODError(robID, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ROBFragmentError, errs));
197  sc = StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
198  // Now look for specific problems, e.g. truncated or masked-off RODs
199  if (((*robStatus) >> 27) & 0x1) {
200  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ROB status word for robID " << std::hex << robID
201  << std::dec << " indicates data truncation.");
202  ATH_CHECK(addRODError(robID, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TruncatedROD, errs));
204  return sc;
205  }
206  if ((((*robStatus) >> 29) & 0x1) or (((*robStatus) >> 31) & 0x1)) {
207  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ROB status word for robID " << std::hex << robID
208  << std::dec << " indicates resource was masked off.");
209  ATH_CHECK(addRODError(robID, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::MaskedROD, errs));
211  return sc;
212  }
213  }
214  }
216  // Look at ROD status words
218  const long unsigned int vecRODStatusSize{robFrag.rod_nstatus()};
220  robFrag.rod_status(vecRODStatus);
221  for (long unsigned int i{0}; i<vecRODStatusSize; i++) {
222  const uint32_t statusWord{vecRODStatus[i]};
223  // Check for clock errors in second ROD status word
224  if (i==1) {
225  const int timClockError{static_cast<int>((statusWord >> 16) & 0x1)};
226  const int bocClockError{static_cast<int>((statusWord >> 17) & 0x1)};
227  if (timClockError or bocClockError) {
228  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Clock error in ROD status word: " << timClockError << " " << bocClockError);
229  ATH_CHECK(addRODError(robID, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::RODClockError, errs));
231  sc=StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
232  }
233  // Look at bits 20-23 for DCS HV
234  // const int hvBits{static_cast<int>((statusWord >> 20) & 0xF)};
235  // const bool hvOn{hvBits==0xF};
236  }
237  }
240  data.reset();
242  CacheHelper cache; // For the trigger
243  cache.vecHash = vecHash;
246  const unsigned long int vecROBDataSize{robFrag.rod_ndata()};
247  if (vecROBDataSize > robFrag.payload_size_word()) {
248  ATH_MSG_WARNING("The ROB data does not seem to fit in the payload. Rejecting fragment (ndata size " << vecROBDataSize << " !< payload size " << robFrag.payload_size_word()
249  << " header size: " << robFrag.rod_header_size_word()
250  << " trailer size: " << robFrag.rod_trailer_size_word()
251  << " fragment size: " << robFrag.rod_fragment_size_word()
252  << ")");
253  return StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
254  }
255  robFrag.rod_data(vecROBData);
257  // Loop over header, hit element, flagged ABCD error, raw data, trailer words
258  for (unsigned long int i{0}; i<vecROBDataSize; i++) {
259  // The data is 16-bits wide packed to a 32-bit word (rob_it1). So we unpack it here.
260  uint16_t data16[2];
261  data16[0] = ((vecROBData[i] >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
262  data16[1] = ( vecROBData[i] & 0xFFFF);
264  for (int n{0}; n<2; n++) {
265  bool hasError{false};
266  if (((data16[n]>>13) & 0x7) == 0x1) { // Header
267  bool breakNow{false};
268  ATH_CHECK(processHeader(data16[n], robID, data, rdoIDCont, dataItemsPool, cache, errs, hasError, breakNow,ctx));
269  if (hasError) sc = StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
270  if (breakNow) break;
271  continue;
272  }
273  else if (data16[n] & 0x8000) { // Hit element
274  if (not data.foundHeader) {
275  ATH_MSG_INFO(" Missing link header in ROD " << std::hex << robID << std::dec);
276  data.foundMissingLinkHeaderError = true;
278  sc = StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
279  continue;
280  }
281  m_nHits++;
282  if (superCondensedMode) { // Super-condensed mode:
283  ATH_CHECK(processSuperCondensedHit(data16[n], robID, data, rdoIDCont, dataItemsPool, cache, errs, hasError, ctx));
284  if (hasError) sc = StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
285  continue;
286  }
287  else if (data.condensedMode) { // Condensed mode
288  ATH_CHECK(processCondensedHit(data16[n], robID, data, rdoIDCont, dataItemsPool, cache, errs, hasError,ctx));
289  if (hasError) sc = StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
290  continue;
291  }
292  else { // Expanded mode
293  ATH_CHECK(processExpandedHit(data16[n], robID, data, rdoIDCont, dataItemsPool, cache, errs, hasError,ctx));
294  if (hasError) sc = StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
295  continue;
296  }
297  }
298  else if (((data16[n]>>13) & 0x7) == 0x0) { // FlaggedABCD error
299  ATH_CHECK(processABCDError(data16[n], robID, data, errs, hasError));
300  if (hasError) sc = StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
301  continue;
302  }
303  else if (((data16[n]>>13) & 0x7) == 0x3) { // Raw Data
304  ATH_CHECK(processRawData(data16[n], robID, data, errs, hasError));
305  if (hasError) sc = StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
306  continue;
307  }
308  else if (((data16[n]>>13) & 0x7) == 0x2) { // Trailer
309  ATH_CHECK(processTrailer(data16[n], robID, data, errs, hasError));
310  if (hasError) sc = StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
311  continue;
312  }
313  else {
314  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Data word format unknown ");
316  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
317  sc = StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
318  }
319  } // End of 16-bit word loop
320  } // End of 32-bit word loop
322  // Create the last RDO of the last link of the event
323  if (data.isStripValid()) {
324  if (not data.isSaved(false) and data.isOldStripValid()) {
325  const int rdoMade{makeRDO(false, data, cache, dataItemsPool)};
326  if (rdoMade == -1) {
327  sc = StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
328  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
329  }
330  else {
331  data.setSaved(false, rdoMade);
332  }
333  }
334  }
336  // MissingLinkHeaderError is filled in only FE-lins of the ROD whose headers are not found.
337  // We cannot know which FE-link does not have header. However, we should not add the error to found ones.
338  if (data.foundMissingLinkHeaderError) {
339  ATH_CHECK(addRODError(robID, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::MissingLinkHeaderError, errs, &(data.foundHashes)));
340  }
342  for (auto& [hash, rdoColl] : data.rdoCollMap) {
343  if (rdoColl==nullptr) continue; // nullptr means the collection is already filled.
345  if (rdoColl->empty()) { // Empty collection is not filled.
346  rdoColl.reset();
347  errs.removeIfEmpty(hash); // To get the same result as before. Not sure whether we need this.
348  continue;
349  }
351  ATH_CHECK(data.writeHandleMap[hash].addOrDelete(std::move(rdoColl)));
352  }
354  if (sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_DEBUG("One or more ByteStream errors found ");
355  return sc;
356 }
358 // makeRDO method
360 int SCT_RodDecoder::makeRDO(const bool isOld,
361  SharedData& data,
362  CacheHelper& cache,
363  DataPool<SCT3_RawData>* dataItemsPool) const
364 {
365  // If the link is already decoded, RDO will not be created.
366  SCT_RDO_Collection* rdoColl{data.rdoCollMap[data.linkIDHash].get()};
367  if (rdoColl==nullptr) return 0;
369  int strip{isOld ? data.oldStrip : data.strip};
370  if (((strip & 0x7F) + (data.groupSize-1) >= N_STRIPS_PER_CHIP) or (strip<0) or (strip>=N_STRIPS_PER_SIDE)) {
371  ATH_MSG_WARNING("Cluster with " << data.groupSize << " strips, starting at strip " << strip
372  << " in collection " << data.linkIDHash << " out of range. Will not make RDO");
373  return -1;
374  }
376  // This option is for the trigger, if there is a vecHash* given, test it!
377  if (cache.vecHash) {
378  if (data.linkIDHash == cache.skipHash) {
379  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Collection for Hash not to be decoded, skip");
380  return 0;
381  }
382  else if (data.linkIDHash != cache.lastHash) {
383  cache.lastHash = data.linkIDHash;
384  // Maybe the new hash is not in the list, so test it
385  std::vector<IdentifierHash>::const_iterator hashIDIterator{find(cache.vecHash->begin(),
386  cache.vecHash->end(),
387  data.linkIDHash)};
388  if (hashIDIterator == cache.vecHash->end()) {
389  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Collection for Hash not to be decoded, skip");
390  // Remember this one, so that we do not find(...) forever
391  cache.skipHash = data.linkIDHash;
392  return 0;
393  }
394  }
395  }
397  // See if strips go from 0 to N_STRIPS_PER_SIDE-1(=767) or vice versa
398  if (m_swapPhiReadoutDirection[data.linkIDHash]) {
400  strip = strip-(data.groupSize-1);
401  }
403  // Get identifier from the hash, this is not nice
404  const Identifier digitID{m_sctID->strip_id(data.collID, strip)};
405  if (not m_sctID->is_sct(digitID)) {
406  ATH_MSG_WARNING("Cluster with invalid Identifier. Will not make RDO");
407  return -1;
408  }
410  const unsigned int rawDataWord{static_cast<unsigned int>(data.groupSize | (strip << 11) | (data.timeBin <<22) | (data.errors << 25))};
412  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Output Raw Data " << std::hex << " Coll " << data.collID.getString()
413  << ":-> " << m_sctID->print_to_string(digitID) << std::dec);
415  // Now the Collection is there for sure. Create RDO and push it into Collection.
416  m_nRDOs++;
418  if(dataItemsPool){
419  SCT3_RawData* sct_rdo = dataItemsPool->nextElementPtr();
420  (*sct_rdo) = SCT3_RawData(digitID, rawDataWord, &(data.errorHit));
421  rdoColl->push_back(sct_rdo);
422  }else{
423  rdoColl->push_back(std::make_unique<SCT3_RawData>(digitID, rawDataWord, &(data.errorHit)));
424  }
425  return 1;
426 }
428 // addRODError method
432  const std::unordered_set<IdentifierHash>* foundHashes) const
433 {
434  std::vector<IdentifierHash> hashIDs;
435  m_cabling->getHashesForRod(hashIDs, rodID);
436  for (const IdentifierHash& hash: hashIDs) {
437  // MissingLinkHeaderError is filled in only FE-links of the ROD whose headers are not found.
438  // We cannot know which FE-link does not have header. However, we should not add the error to found ones.
439  if ((error==SCT_ByteStreamErrors::MissingLinkHeaderError) and
440  foundHashes and foundHashes->count(hash)) {
441  continue;
442  }
444  // Skip disabled modules
445  if(!m_configTool->isGood(hash)) {
446  continue;
447  }
449  // Skip bad links
450  const auto & [link0Good, link1Good] = m_configTool->badLinks(hash);
452  const bool result{side==0 ? not link0Good : not link1Good};
453  if (result) continue;
456  }
457  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
458 }
460 // addSingleError method
464  SCT_RodDecoderErrorsHelper& errs) const
465 {
466  if (not hashID.is_valid()) {
467  ATH_MSG_INFO("addSingleError hashID " << hashID << " is invalid.");
468  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
469  }
471  errs.add(hashID, error);
473  if ((error<SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip0 || error>SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip5) and
474  (error<SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TempMaskedChip0 || error>SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TempMaskedChip5)) {
475  std::pair<bool, bool> badLinks{m_configTool->badLinks(hashID)};
476  int side{m_sctID->side(m_sctID->wafer_id(hashID))};
477  bool result{(side==0 ? badLinks.first : badLinks.second) and (badLinks.first xor badLinks.second)};
478  if (result) {
481  IdentifierHash otherSide;
482  m_sctID->get_other_side(hashID, otherSide);
483  errs.add(otherSide, error);
484  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Adding error to side " << 1-side << " for module with RX redundancy " << otherSide);
485  }
486  }
488  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
489 }
491 // setFirstTempMaskedChip method
494  unsigned int firstTempMaskedChip,
495  SCT_RodDecoderErrorsHelper& errs) const
496 {
497  if (not hashID.is_valid()) {
498  ATH_MSG_INFO("setFirstTempMaskedChip hashID " << hashID << " is invalid.");
499  return StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
500  }
501  if (firstTempMaskedChip==0) {
502  ATH_MSG_WARNING("setFirstTempMaskedChip: firstTempMaskedChip should be greater than 0. firstTempMaskedChip is "
503  << firstTempMaskedChip);
504  return StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
505  }
507  // wafer hash -> wafer id -> module id -> wafer hash on side-0, wafer hash on side-1
508  const Identifier waferID{m_sctID->wafer_id(hashID)};
509  const Identifier moduleID{m_sctID->module_id(waferID)};
511  // Side 0
512  IdentifierHash hashSide0;
513  m_sctID->get_hash(moduleID, hashSide0, &m_contextSCT);
514  unsigned int firstTempMaskedChipSide0{0};
515  if (hashID==hashSide0) firstTempMaskedChipSide0 = firstTempMaskedChip;
517  // Side 1
518  IdentifierHash hashSide1;
519  m_sctID->get_other_side(hashSide0, hashSide1);
520  unsigned int firstTempMaskedChipSide1{0};
521  if (hashID==hashSide1) firstTempMaskedChipSide1 = firstTempMaskedChip;
523  int type{0};
524  // Check if Rx redundancy is used or not in this module
525  const std::pair<bool, bool> badLinks{m_configTool->badLinks(hashID)};
526  if (badLinks.first xor badLinks.second) {
527  // Rx redundancy is used in this module.
528  if (badLinks.first and not badLinks.second) {
529  // link-1 is broken
530  type = 1;
531  }
532  else if (badLinks.second and not badLinks.first) {
533  // link-0 is broken
534  type = 2;
535  }
536  else if (badLinks.first and badLinks.second) {
537  // Both link-0 and link-1 are working
538  ATH_MSG_WARNING("setFirstTempMaskedChip: Both link-0 and link-1 are working. But Rx redundancy is used... Why?");
539  return StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
540  }
541  else {
542  // Both link-0 and link-1 are broken
543  ATH_MSG_WARNING("setFirstTempMaskedChip: Both link-0 and link-1 are broken. But data are coming... Why?");
544  return StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
545  }
546  }
548  // "Modified" module (using Rx redundancy) case
549  // Information of modified modules are found in
550  // modified0 and modified1 functions of SCT_ReadoutTool.cxx and
551  // Table 3.8 of CERN-THESIS-2008-001
552  // However, there are two exceptions of the exceptions.
553  const unsigned long long fullSerialNumber{m_cabling->getSerialNumberFromHash(hashID).to_ulonglong()};
554  if (// Readout through link-0
555  fullSerialNumber==20220170200183 or // hash=4662 bec=0 layer=2 eta= 6 phi=39
556  fullSerialNumber==20220330200606 or // hash=5032 bec=0 layer=3 eta=-2 phi= 7
557  fullSerialNumber==20220330200693 // hash=5554 bec=0 layer=3 eta=-5 phi=29
558  ) {
559  if (type!=1) ATH_MSG_WARNING("Link-0 is broken but modified module readingout link-0, inconsistent");
560  type = 3;
562  // An exception:
563  // fullSerialNumber=20220170200941, hash=3560 bec=0 layer=1 eta=-6 phi=34
564  // This module is a modified one. However, it is not using modified configuration.
565  // Readout sequence is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
566  }
567  if (// Readout through link-1
568  fullSerialNumber==20220170200653 or // hash=2786 bec=0 layer=1 eta= 4 phi= 1
569  fullSerialNumber==20220330200117 or // hash=5516 bec=0 layer=3 eta= 1 phi=27
570  fullSerialNumber==20220330200209 or // hash=5062 bec=0 layer=3 eta= 2 phi= 8
571  fullSerialNumber==20220330200505 or // hash=5260 bec=0 layer=3 eta= 5 phi=16
572  fullSerialNumber==20220330200637 or // hash=4184 bec=0 layer=2 eta=-6 phi=20
573  fullSerialNumber==20220330200701 // hash=4136 bec=0 layer=2 eta=-6 phi=18
574  ) {
575  if (type!=2) ATH_MSG_WARNING("Link-1 is broken but modified module readingout link-1, inconsistent");
576  type = 4;
578  // Another exception:
579  // fullSerialNumber=20220170200113, hash=3428 bec=0 layer=1 eta= 1 phi=28
580  // This module is a modified one. However, it is not using modified configuration.
581  // Readout sequence is 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
582  }
584  static const int chipOrder[5][N_SIDES*N_CHIPS_PER_SIDE]{
585  // type=0 not prepared for both link-0 and link-1 are working
586  {},
587  // type=1 link-1 is broken: chip 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
588  {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11},
589  // type=2 link-0 is broken: chip 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1 2 3 4 5
590  {6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
591  // type=3 "modified" modules and link-1 is broken: chip 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 6
592  {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 6},
593  // type=4 "modified" modules and link-0 is broken: chip 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 0
594  {6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0}
595  };
597  if (type==0) {
598  // Both link-0 and link-1 are working
600  // Chips 0-5 are on side 0 and chips 6-11 are on side 1.
601  // Normally, modules send hits on side 0 via link-0 and side 1 via link-1.
602  // The first temporally masked chip value is the id of the chip that is
603  // first masked in the readout chain "plus one".
604  // If the value is in between 1 to 6, it indicates side 0.
605  // If the value is in between 7 to 12, it indicates side 1.
606  // However, some special modules send hits on side 0 via link-1 and hits on
607  // side 1 via link-0. If the first masked chip value on side 1 (0) is
608  // between 1 to 6 (7 to 12), it indicates the module is a special one.
609  // In that case, information is swapped.
610  if ((N_CHIPS_PER_SIDE<firstTempMaskedChipSide0 and firstTempMaskedChipSide0<=N_SIDES*N_CHIPS_PER_SIDE) or
611  ( 0<firstTempMaskedChipSide1 and firstTempMaskedChipSide1<= N_CHIPS_PER_SIDE)) {
612  const unsigned int swapFirstTempMaskedChipSide0{firstTempMaskedChipSide0};
613  firstTempMaskedChipSide0 = firstTempMaskedChipSide1;
614  firstTempMaskedChipSide1 = swapFirstTempMaskedChipSide0;
615  }
617  if (firstTempMaskedChipSide0>0) {
618  for (unsigned int iChip{firstTempMaskedChipSide0-1}; iChip<N_CHIPS_PER_SIDE; iChip++) {
620  }
621  }
622  if (firstTempMaskedChipSide1>N_CHIPS_PER_SIDE) {
623  for (unsigned int iChip{firstTempMaskedChipSide1-1}; iChip<N_SIDES*N_CHIPS_PER_SIDE; iChip++) {
625  }
626  }
627  }
628  else {
629  // type=1, 2, 3, 4: cases using Rx redundancy
630  bool toBeMasked{false};
631  for (int iChip{0}; iChip<N_SIDES*N_CHIPS_PER_SIDE; iChip++) {
632  int jChip{chipOrder[type][iChip]};
633  if (jChip==static_cast<int>(firstTempMaskedChip-1)) toBeMasked = true;
634  if (toBeMasked) {
635  if (jChip<N_CHIPS_PER_SIDE) {
637  }
638  else {
640  }
641  }
642  }
643  }
645  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("setFirstTempMaskedChip Hash " << hashID
646  << " SerialNumber " << m_cabling->getSerialNumberFromHash(hashID).str()
647  << " moduleID " << moduleID
648  << " barrel_ec " << m_sctID->barrel_ec(waferID)
649  << " layer_disk " << m_sctID->layer_disk(waferID)
650  << " eta_module " << m_sctID->eta_module(waferID)
651  << " phi_module " << m_sctID->phi_module(waferID)
652  << " side " << m_sctID->side(waferID)
653  << " firstTempMaskedChip " << firstTempMaskedChip);
654  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
655 }
658  const uint32_t robID,
659  SharedData& data,
660  SCT_RDO_Container& rdoIDCont,
661  DataPool<SCT3_RawData>* dataItemsPool,
662  CacheHelper& cache,
664  bool& hasError,
665  bool& breakNow,
666  const EventContext& ctx) const
667 {
668  StatusCode sc{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
670  data.foundHeader = true;
671  m_headNumber++;
673  // Create the last RDO of the previous link if any
674  if (data.isStripValid()) {
675  if (not data.isSaved(false) and data.isOldStripValid()) {
677  const int rdoMade{makeRDO(false, data, cache, dataItemsPool)};
678  if (rdoMade == -1) {
679  hasError = true;
680  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
681  }
682  else {
683  data.setSaved(false, rdoMade);
684  }
685  }
686  }
688  // Everything is set to default for a new hunt of RDO
689  data.reset();
691  // Link Number (or stream) in the ROD fragment
692  const int rodlinkNumber{static_cast<int>(inData & 0x7F)};
694  // This is the real calculation for the offline
695  data.linkNumber = (((rodlinkNumber >>4)&0x7)*12+(rodlinkNumber &0xF));
696  const uint32_t onlineID{(robID & 0xFFFFFF) | (data.linkNumber << 24)};
698  if ((onlineID ==0) or (data.linkNumber > 95)) {
699  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
700  hasError = true;
701  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Header: xxx Link number out of range (skipping following data)"
702  << std::dec << data.linkNumber);
703  breakNow = true;
704  return sc;
705  }
706  else {
707  hash = m_cabling->getHashFromOnlineId(onlineID, ctx);
708  if (hash.is_valid()) {
709  data.setCollection(m_sctID, hash, rdoIDCont, dataItemsPool, errs);
710  }
711  else {
712  std::stringstream msg;
713  msg <<std::hex << onlineID;
714  ATH_MSG_WARNING("Rob fragment (rob=" << robID << ") with invalid onlineID " << msg.str() << " -> " << hash << ".");
715  }
716  }
717  // Look for masked off links - bit 7
718  if ((inData >> 7) & 0x1) {
719  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Masked link " << onlineID << " " << data.linkIDHash);
720  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::MaskedLink, errs));
721  hasError = true;
722  }
723  if (inData & 0x800) {
724  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Header: xxx TimeOut Error " << data.linkIDHash);
726  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TimeOutError, errs));
727  hasError = true;
728  }
730  if (inData & 0x1000) {
731  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Header: xxx Preamble Error " << data.linkIDHash);
733  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::PreambleError, errs));
734  hasError = true;
735  }
737  if (inData & 0x400) {
738  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Header: xxx LVL1 ID Error " << data.linkIDHash);
740  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::LVL1IDError, errs));
741  hasError = true;
742  }
744  if (inData & 0x200) {
745  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Header: xxx BCID Error " << data.linkIDHash);
746  m_headErrorBCID++;
748  hasError = true;
749  }
751  if ((inData & 0xF) > 11) {
752  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Header: xxx Error in formatter " << data.linkIDHash);
754  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::FormatterError, errs));
755  hasError = true;
756  }
757  if (!hasError and not hash.is_valid()) {
758  std::stringstream msg;
759  msg <<std::hex << onlineID;
760  ATH_MSG_WARNING("Rob fragment (rob=" << robID << ") with invalid onlineID " << msg.str() << " -> " << hash << ".");
761  hasError = true;
762  }
764  data.condensedMode = static_cast<bool>(inData & 0x100);
766  return sc;
767 }
770  const uint32_t robID,
771  SharedData& data,
772  SCT_RDO_Container& rdoIDCont,
773  DataPool<SCT3_RawData>* dataItemsPool,
774  CacheHelper& cache,
776  bool& hasError,
777  const EventContext& ctx) const
778 {
779  StatusCode sc{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
781  // Super-condensed mode:
782  // Chip info: 4 bits data16[n]>>11) & 0xF
783  // Chip number == (data16[n]>>11) & 0x7
784  // Chip side == (data16[n]>>14) & 0x1
785  // For example if (data16[n]>>11) & 0xF = 0b0101 => chip 5 or chip5 on side0, (data16[n]>>11) & 0xF = 0b1101 => chip13 or chip5 on side1
786  const int chip{(inData>>11) & 0x7};
787  data.side = ((inData>>14) & 0x1);
788  data.strip = chip*N_STRIPS_PER_CHIP + ((inData>>4) & 0x7F);
789  data.timeBin = 0x2; // Assuming timeBin is 010 in super-condensed mode
790  const int nStripsInWord{(inData & 0xF)+1};
791  if (chip>=N_CHIPS_PER_SIDE) {
792  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Hit super-condensed : xxx Chip number = " << chip << " >= "<< N_CHIPS_PER_SIDE << " for hit "
793  << std::hex << inData);
795  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
796  hasError = true;
797  return sc;
798  }
800  // Search for redundancy only for the master chip
801  bool secondSide{false};
802  if ((data.side==1) and ((data.linkNumber%2)==0)) {
803  if (((data.strip!=data.oldStrip) or (data.side!=data.oldSide)) and (data.groupSize>0)) {
804  // If it is a new cluster, make RDO with the previous cluster
805  const int rdoMade{makeRDO(true, data, cache, dataItemsPool)};
806  if (rdoMade == -1) {
807  hasError = true;
808  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
809  }
810  else {
811  data.setSaved(true, rdoMade);
812  }
813  data.setOld();
814  }
815  data.linkNumber++;
816  secondSide = true;
817  }
818  else if ((data.side==0) and ((data.linkNumber%2)!=0)) {
819  if (((data.strip!=data.oldStrip) or (data.side!=data.oldSide)) and (data.groupSize>0)) {
820  // If it is a new cluster, make RDO with the previous cluster
821  const int rdoMade{makeRDO(true, data, cache, dataItemsPool)};
822  if (rdoMade == -1) {
823  hasError = true;
824  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
825  }
826  else {
827  data.setSaved(true, rdoMade);
828  }
829  data.setOld();
830  }
831  data.linkNumber--;
832  secondSide = true;
833  }
834  if (secondSide) {
835  const uint32_t onlineID{(robID & 0xFFFFFF) | (data.linkNumber << 24)};
836  IdentifierHash id_hash(m_cabling->getHashFromOnlineId(onlineID,ctx));
837  if (!id_hash.is_valid()) {
838  hasError = true;
839  return sc;
840  }
841  data.setCollection(m_sctID, id_hash, rdoIDCont, dataItemsPool, errs);
842  }
844  if (data.groupSize == 0) {
845  data.setOld(); // If it's the first super-condensed word
846  }
848  if ((data.strip!=data.oldStrip) or (data.side!=data.oldSide)) {
849  // If it is a new cluster, make RDO with the previous cluster
850  const int rdoMade{makeRDO(true, data, cache, dataItemsPool)};
851  if (rdoMade == -1) {
852  hasError = true;
853  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
854  }
855  else {
856  data.setSaved(true, rdoMade);
857  }
858  data.setOld();
859  }
860  data.groupSize += nStripsInWord; // Split clusters have the same strip number.
862  return sc;
863 }
866  const uint32_t robID,
867  SharedData& data,
868  SCT_RDO_Container& rdoIDCont,
869  DataPool<SCT3_RawData>* dataItemsPool,
870  CacheHelper& cache,
872  bool& hasError,
873  const EventContext& ctx) const
874 {
875  StatusCode sc{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
877  const int chip{(inData>>11) & 0x7};
878  data.side = ((inData>>14) & 0x1);
879  data.strip = chip*N_STRIPS_PER_CHIP + ((inData>>4) & 0x7F);
880  data.timeBin = 0x2; // Assuming timeBin is 010 in condensed mode
881  if (chip>=N_CHIPS_PER_SIDE) {
882  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Hit condensed : xxx Chip number = " << chip << " >= " << N_CHIPS_PER_SIDE << " for hit "
883  << std::hex << inData);
885  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
886  hasError = true;
887  return sc;
888  }
890  // Search for redundancy only for the master chip
891  bool secondSide{false};
892  if ((data.side==1) and ((data.linkNumber%2)==0)) {
893  if (((data.strip!=data.oldStrip) or (data.side!=data.oldSide)) and (data.groupSize>0)) {
894  // If it is a new cluster, make RDO with the previous cluster
895  const int rdoMade{makeRDO(true, data, cache, dataItemsPool)};
896  if (rdoMade == -1) {
897  hasError = true;
898  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
899  }
900  else {
901  data.setSaved(true, rdoMade);
902  }
903  data.setOld();
904  }
905  data.linkNumber++;
906  secondSide = true;
907  }
908  else if ((data.side==0) and ((data.linkNumber%2)!=0)) {
909  if (((data.strip!=data.oldStrip) or (data.side!=data.oldSide)) and (data.groupSize>0)) {
910  // If it is a new cluster, make RDO with the previous cluster
911  const int rdoMade{makeRDO(true, data, cache, dataItemsPool)};
912  if (rdoMade == -1) {
913  hasError = true;
914  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
915  }
916  else {
917  data.setSaved(true, rdoMade);
918  }
919  data.setOld();
920  }
921  data.linkNumber--;
922  secondSide = true;
923  }
924  if (secondSide) {
925  const uint32_t onlineID{(robID & 0xFFFFFF) | (data.linkNumber << 24)};
926  data.setCollection(m_sctID, m_cabling->getHashFromOnlineId(onlineID, ctx), rdoIDCont, dataItemsPool, errs);
927  }
929  if (data.groupSize == 0) {
930  data.setOld(); // If it's the first condensed word
931  }
933  if (not (inData & 0x1)) { // 1-hit
935  if ((data.strip!=data.oldStrip) or (data.side!=data.oldSide)) {
936  // If it is a new cluster, make RDO with the previous cluster
937  const int rdoMade{makeRDO(true, data, cache, dataItemsPool)};
938  if (rdoMade == -1) {
939  hasError = true;
940  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
941  }
942  else {
943  data.setSaved(true, rdoMade);
944  }
945  data.setOld();
946  }
948  if (inData & 0x4) { // Error in the hit
949  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Hit condensed : xxx ERROR in 1-hit " << std::hex << inData);
950  data.errorHit.push_back(data.groupSize);
951  data.errors = (data.errors | 0x10);
952  m_condHit1Error++;
953  hasError = true;
954  }
955  data.groupSize = (data.groupSize>=2 ? data.groupSize : 1);
956  }
957  else { // 2-hits
958  if (data.strip >= N_STRIPS_PER_SIDE) {
959  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
960  hasError = true;
962  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Condensed mode - strip number out of range");
964  return sc;
965  }
967  if ((data.strip!=data.oldStrip) or (data.side!=data.oldSide)) {
968  // If it is a new cluster, make RDO with the previous cluster
969  const int rdoMade{makeRDO(true, data, cache, dataItemsPool)};
970  if (rdoMade == -1) {
971  hasError = true;
972  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
973  }
974  else {
975  data.setSaved(true, rdoMade);
976  }
977  data.setOld();
978  }
979  if (inData & 0x4) { // Error in the first hit
980  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Hit condensed : xxx ERROR in 1st hit" << std::hex << inData);
981  data.errorHit.push_back(data.groupSize);
982  m_condHit1Error++;
983  data.errors = (data.errors | 0x10);
984  hasError = true;
985  }
986  if (inData & 0x8) { // Error in the second hit
987  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Hit condensed : xxx ERROR in 2nd hit" << std::hex << inData);
988  data.errorHit.push_back(data.groupSize);
989  m_condHit2Error++;
990  data.errors = (data.errors | 0x20);
991  hasError = true;
992  }
993  data.groupSize = 2;
994  }
996  return sc;
997 }
1000  const uint32_t robID,
1001  SharedData& data,
1002  SCT_RDO_Container& rdoIDCont,
1003  DataPool<SCT3_RawData>* dataItemsPool,
1004  CacheHelper& cache,
1006  bool& hasError,
1007  const EventContext& ctx) const
1008 {
1009  StatusCode sc{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
1011  int chip{0};
1012  if (not (inData & 0x8)) { // 1st hit cluster expanded
1014  chip = ((inData>>11) & 0x7);
1015  data.side = ((inData>>14) & 0x1);
1016  data.strip = chip*N_STRIPS_PER_CHIP + ((inData>>4) & 0x7F);
1017  data.timeBin = (inData & 0x7); // Real way for obtaining timeBin info
1019  if (chip>=N_CHIPS_PER_SIDE) {
1020  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Expanded hit: First hit xxx ERROR chip Nb = " << chip << " >= " << N_CHIPS_PER_SIDE);
1022  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
1023  return sc;
1024  }
1026  // Search for redundancy only for the master chip
1027  bool secondSide{false};
1028  if ((data.side==1) and ((data.linkNumber%2)==0)) {
1029  data.linkNumber++;
1030  secondSide = true;
1031  }
1032  else if ((data.side==0) and ((data.linkNumber%2)!=0)) {
1033  data.linkNumber--;
1034  secondSide = true;
1035  }
1036  if (secondSide) {
1037  const uint32_t onlineID{(robID & 0xFFFFFF) | (data.linkNumber << 24)};
1038  data.setCollection(m_sctID, m_cabling->getHashFromOnlineId(onlineID, ctx), rdoIDCont, dataItemsPool, errs);
1039  }
1040  data.groupSize = 1;
1041  const int rdoMade{makeRDO(false, data, cache, dataItemsPool)};
1042  if (rdoMade == -1) {
1043  hasError = true;
1044  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
1045  }
1046  else {
1047  data.setSaved(false, rdoMade);
1048  }
1049  data.groupSize = 0;
1050  }
1051  else { // Next hits cluster expanded
1052  if (inData & 0x80) { // Paired hits
1053  if (data.strip >= N_STRIPS_PER_SIDE-2) {
1054  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
1055  hasError = true;
1056  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Expanded mode - strip number out of range");
1057  return sc;
1058  }
1060  // First hit from the pair
1061  data.strip++;
1062  data.timeBin = (inData & 0x7);
1063  data.groupSize = 1;
1064  const int rdoMade1{makeRDO(false, data, cache, dataItemsPool)};
1065  if (rdoMade1 == -1) {
1066  hasError = true;
1067  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
1068  }
1069  else {
1070  data.setSaved(false, rdoMade1);
1071  }
1072  // Second hit from the pair
1073  data.strip++;
1074  data.timeBin = ((inData >> 4) & 0x7);
1075  const int rdoMade2{makeRDO(false, data, cache, dataItemsPool)};
1076  if (rdoMade2 == -1) {
1077  hasError = true;
1078  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
1079  }
1080  else {
1081  data.setSaved(false, rdoMade2);
1082  }
1083  data.groupSize = 0;
1084  }
1085  else { // Last hit of the cluster
1087  if (data.strip >= N_STRIPS_PER_SIDE-1) {
1088  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
1089  hasError = true;
1090  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Expanded mode - strip number out of range");
1091  return sc;
1092  }
1093  data.strip++;
1094  data.timeBin = (inData & 0x7);
1095  data.groupSize = 1;
1096  const int rdoMade{makeRDO(false, data, cache, dataItemsPool)};
1097  if (rdoMade == -1) {
1098  hasError = true;
1099  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ByteStreamParseError, errs));
1100  }
1101  else {
1102  data.setSaved(false, rdoMade);
1103  }
1104  data.groupSize = 0;
1105  }
1106  }
1108  return sc;
1109 }
1112  const uint32_t robID,
1113  SharedData& data,
1115  bool& hasError) const
1116 {
1117  StatusCode sc{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
1119  if (not data.foundHeader) {
1120  ATH_MSG_INFO(" Missing link header in ROD " << std::hex << robID << std::dec);
1121  data.foundMissingLinkHeaderError = true;
1123  hasError = true;
1124  return sc;
1125  }
1127  const int chip{(inData>>3) & 0xF};
1128  const int abcError{inData & 0x7};
1129  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" xxx Flagged ABCD ERROR in chip " << chip
1130  << " Error code abcError " << abcError << " Link Number (or Stream) " << data.linkNumber);
1131  m_flagErrorBit++;
1132  // Error code of ABCD error should be 1, 2, 4 or 7.
1133  if (abcError!=0x1 and abcError!=0x2 and abcError!=0x4 and abcError!=0x7) {
1134  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ABCD error has an invalid error code " << abcError
1135  << " the 16-bit word is 0x" << std::hex << inData << std::dec
1136  << " for hash " << data.linkIDHash);
1137  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Invalid, errs));
1138  }
1139  else {
1140  // Chip is 4 bits. The highest bit 3 represents side. Chip 0-5 on side 0 and chip 8-13 on side 1.
1141  const unsigned int sideABCDError{static_cast<unsigned int>(chip/8)};
1142  if (data.linkIDHash.value()%2!=sideABCDError) {
1143  // If the sides from the ABCD error and online ID are different,
1144  // the module is expected to read side 0 via link 1 and side 1 and via link 0.
1145  // Hash Id is flipped.
1146  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ABCD error and online ID have different side information for hash " << data.linkIDHash << ". "
1147  << sideABCDError << " from ABCD error and " << data.linkIDHash.value()%2 << " from online ID");
1148  data.linkIDHash = (data.linkIDHash.value()/2)*2+sideABCDError;
1149  errs.noerror(data.linkIDHash);
1150  }
1151  // Chip should be 0-5 or 8-13.
1152  if (chip%8>=N_CHIPS_PER_SIDE) {
1153  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ABCD error has an invalid chip 0x" << std::hex << chip << std::dec
1154  << " the 16-bit word is 0x" << std::hex << inData << std::dec
1155  << " for hash " << data.linkIDHash.value());
1156  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Invalid, errs));
1157  }
1158  else {
1159  if ( abcError==0x1) ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Error1, errs));
1160  else if (abcError==0x2) ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Error2, errs));
1161  else if (abcError==0x4) ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Error4, errs));
1162  else if (abcError==0x7) ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Error7, errs));
1163  if ( chip%8==0) ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip0, errs));
1164  else if (chip%8==1) ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip1, errs));
1165  else if (chip%8==2) ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip2, errs));
1166  else if (chip%8==3) ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip3, errs));
1167  else if (chip%8==4) ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip4, errs));
1168  else if (chip%8==5) ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError_Chip5, errs));
1169  }
1170  }
1171  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ABCDError, errs));
1172  hasError = true;
1174  return sc;
1175 }
1178  const uint32_t robID,
1179  SharedData& data,
1181  bool& hasError) const
1182 {
1183  StatusCode sc{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
1185  if (not data.foundHeader) {
1186  ATH_MSG_INFO(" Missing link header in ROD " << std::hex << robID << std::dec);
1187  data.foundMissingLinkHeaderError = true;
1189  hasError = true;
1190  return sc;
1191  }
1193  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" xxx Raw Data Mode " << std::hex << inData << std::dec << ": Config Data Mode ");
1194  // Too many errors in the BS for the ROD to decode the data
1195  m_configDataBit++;
1196  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::RawError, errs));
1197  hasError = true;
1199  return sc;
1200 }
1203  const uint32_t /*robID*/,
1204  SharedData& data,
1206  bool& hasError) const
1207 {
1208  StatusCode sc{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
1209  /* Temporarily disabled
1210  if (not data.foundHeader) {
1211  ATH_MSG_INFO(" Missing link header in ROD " << std::hex << robID << std::dec);
1212  data.foundMissingLinkHeaderError = true;
1213  m_numMissingLinkHeader++;
1214  hasError = true;
1215  }
1216  */
1218  data.foundHeader = false;
1220  m_trailerNumber++;
1222  if (inData & 0x1000) {
1223  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Trailer: xxx Trailer ERROR " << std::hex << inData);
1225  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TrailerError, errs));
1226  hasError = true;
1227  }
1229  if (inData & 0x800) {
1230  // No data should appear between header and trailer
1231  // See 1.2.2 Formatter FPGA - Serial Data Decoding and Formatting of
1232  //
1233  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Trailer: xxx Header-Trailer limit ERROR " << std::hex << inData);
1235  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::HeaderTrailerLimitError, errs));
1236  hasError = true;
1237  }
1239  if (inData & 0x400) {
1240  // Not sure if there are hit elements before (probably yes but in principle they are fine)
1241  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Trailer: xxx Data Overflow ERROR " << std::hex << inData);
1243  ATH_CHECK(addSingleError(data.linkIDHash, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::TrailerOverflowError, errs));
1244  hasError = true;
1245  }
1246  if (inData & 0xF) {
1247  // First temporarily masked chip information
1248  // 0 means no masked chip (always has been 0 until April 2017)
1249  //
1250  // If Rx redundacy is not used,
1251  // 1 means chips 0-5 are temporarily masked.
1252  // 6 means chip 5 is temporarily masked.
1253  // 7 means chips 6-11 are temporarily masked.
1254  // 12 means chip 11 is temporarily masked.
1255  //
1256  // If Rx redundacy is used and link-1 is not used,
1257  // 1 means chips 0-11 are temporarily masked.
1258  // 6 means chips 5-11 are temporarily masked.
1259  // 7 means chips 6-11 are temporarily masked.
1260  // 12 means chip 11 is temporarily masked.
1261  //
1262  // If Rx redundacy is used and link-0 is not used,
1263  // 1 means chips 0-5 are temporarily masked.
1264  // 6 means chip 5 is temporarily masked.
1265  // 7 means chips 6-11, 0-5 are temporarily masked.
1266  // 12 means chips 11, 0-5 are temporarily masked.
1267  setFirstTempMaskedChip(data.linkIDHash, (inData & 0xF), errs).ignore();
1268  }
1270  return sc;
1271 }
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:125
def retrieve(aClass, aKey=None)
StatusCode processRawData(const uint16_t inData, const uint32_t robID, SharedData &data, SCT_RodDecoderErrorsHelper &errs, bool &hasError) const
Process raw data word.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.cxx:1177
std::atomic_uint m_headErrorPreamble
Total number of preamble errors in the header data.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:473
char data[hepevt_bytes_allocation_ATLAS]
Definition: HepEvt.cxx:11
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:122
std::atomic_uint m_nHits
Total number of SCT hits in ByteStream.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:503
def finalize(self)
_info( "content of StoreGate..." )
StatusCode processHeader(const uint16_t inData, const uint32_t robID, SharedData &data, SCT_RDO_Container &rdoIDCont, DataPool< SCT3_RawData > *dataItemsPool, CacheHelper &cache, SCT_RodDecoderErrorsHelper &errs, bool &hasError, bool &breakNow, const EventContext &ctx) const
Process header word.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.cxx:657
std::atomic_uint m_condHit2Error
Total number second hit data errors.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:494
@ strip
Definition: SCT_DetectorManager.h:49
Definition: SiDetectorElementCollection.h:30
#define ATH_MSG_INFO(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:31
std::string find(const std::string &s)
return a remapped string
Definition: hcg.cxx:135
std::atomic_uint m_maskedLinkNumber
Total number of masked links in the header data.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:509
setEventNumber uint32_t
Definition: EventInfo_v1.cxx:127
bool is_sct(Identifier id) const
Definition: AtlasDetectorID.h:770
std::atomic_uint m_trailerErrorLimit
Total number of header trailer limit errors in the trailer data.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:479
void add(const IdentifierHash id, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ErrorType etype)
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:54
void initialize()
Definition: run_EoverP.cxx:894
std::atomic_uint m_trailerErrorOverflow
Total number of overflow errors in the trailer data.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:476
IDC like storage for BS errors, TODO, customise implementation further so that we store int rather th...
Definition: IDCInDetBSErrContainer.h:19
std::atomic_uint m_maskedRODNumber
Total number of masked RDOs.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:512
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:124
std::atomic_uint m_pairedCondHitNumber
Total number of paired strips with hit decoded in condensed mode.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:443
std::atomic_uint m_flagErrorBit
Total number of flag error data.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:488
std::atomic_uint m_headErrorTimeout
Total number of timeout errors in the header data.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:467
IdContext m_contextSCT
"Context" of an expanded identifier (ExpandedIdentifier) for compact or hash versions (Identifier32 o...
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:425
int barrel_ec(const Identifier &id) const
Values of different levels (failure returns 0)
Definition: SCT_ID.h:728
int phi_module(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: SCT_ID.h:740
Definition: InDetRawDataContainer.h:27
#define ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:28
StatusCode processExpandedHit(const uint16_t inData, const uint32_t robID, SharedData &data, SCT_RDO_Container &rdoIDCont, DataPool< SCT3_RawData > *dataItemsPool, CacheHelper &cache, SCT_RodDecoderErrorsHelper &errs, bool &hasError, const EventContext &ctx) const
Process hit word in Expanded mode.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.cxx:999
Identifier module_id(int barrel_ec, int layer_disk, int phi_module, int eta_module) const
For a single crystal.
Definition: SCT_ID.h:416
ErrorType TempMaskedChipToBit(const int chip)
Definition: SCT_ByteStreamErrors.h:278
SCT_RodDecoder(const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent)
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.cxx:20
@ side
Definition: HitInfo.h:83
std::atomic_uint m_unknownDataFormat
Total number of unknown data formats.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:500
StatusCode processTrailer(const uint16_t inData, const uint32_t robID, SharedData &data, SCT_RodDecoderErrorsHelper &errs, bool &hasError) const
Process trailer word.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.cxx:1202
Struct to hold data shared in methods used in fillCollection method.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:129
std::atomic_uint m_headErrorFormatter
Total number of formatter errors in the header data.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:470
std::atomic_uint m_firstExpHitNumber
Total number of first strips with hit decoded in expanded mode.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:446
std::atomic_uint m_truncatedRODNumber
Total number of truncated ROBFragments.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:518
StatusCode setFirstTempMaskedChip(const IdentifierHash &hashID, unsigned int firstTempMaskedChip, SCT_RodDecoderErrorsHelper &errs) const
Set first temporarily masked chip information from byte stream trailer.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.cxx:493
const DataType * PointerType
Definition: RawEvent.h:25
std::atomic_uint m_condHit1Error
Total number of first hit data errors.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:491
setWord1 uint16_t
Definition: eFexEMRoI_v1.cxx:88
Definition: L1CaloBsDecoderUtil.h:12
std::atomic_uint m_trailerNumber
Total number of decoded trailer data.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:458
int i
StatusCode processABCDError(const uint16_t inData, const uint32_t robID, SharedData &data, SCT_RodDecoderErrorsHelper &errs, bool &hasError) const
Process ABCD error.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.cxx:1111
Definition: SCT3_RawData.h:24
Definition: DetectorDescription/Identifier/Identifier/Identifier.h:32
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
Definition: PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDTools/EventLoop/EventLoop/StatusCode.h:22
#define ATH_MSG_DEBUG(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:29
std::atomic_uint m_singleCondHitNumber
Total number of single strips with hit decoded in condensed mode.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:440
virtual int get_hash(const Identifier &id, IdentifierHash &hash_id, const IdContext *context=0) const override final
Create hash id from compact id (return == 0 for OK)
Definition: SCT_ID.cxx:711
Definition: InDetRawDataCollection.h:31
std::atomic_uint m_rodClockErrorNumber
Total number of ROD clock errors.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:515
#define ATH_CHECK
Definition: AthCheckMacros.h:40
IdentifierHash skipHash
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:80
IdContext wafer_context(void) const
Definition: SCT_ID.h:705
int get_other_side(const IdentifierHash &id, IdentifierHash &other) const
Wafer hash on other side.
Definition: SCT_ID.cxx:435
ToolHandle< ISCT_CablingTool > m_cabling
Providing mappings of online and offline identifiers and also serial numbers.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:428
ToolHandle< ISCT_ConfigurationConditionsTool > m_configTool
Service that keeps track of configuration conditions.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:434
std::atomic_uint m_configDataBit
Total number of configuration data for raw data.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:485
pointer nextElementPtr()
obtain the next available element in pool by pointer pool is resized if its limit has been reached On...
@ BCIDError
Definition: ITRT_ByteStream_ConditionsSvc.h:19
Temp object to help with trigger caching.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:79
bool is_valid() const
Check if id is in a valid state.
std::string print_to_string(Identifier id, const IdContext *context=0) const
or provide the printout in string form
Definition: AtlasDetectorID.cxx:655
std::atomic_uint m_headNumber
Total number of decoded header data.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:455
std::atomic_uint m_evenExpHitNumber
Total number of consecutive paired strips with hit decoded in expanded mode.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:449
std::string name
Definition: Control/AthContainers/Root/debug.cxx:195
size_type wafer_hash_max(void) const
Definition: SCT_ID.cxx:639
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:123
SCT byte stream error type enums used in SCT_RodDecoder, SCT_ByteStreamErrorsTool,...
Definition: SCT_ByteStreamErrors.h:178
int layer_disk(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: SCT_ID.h:734
virtual StatusCode finalize() override
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.cxx:62
Definition: SiDetectorElement.h:109
const std::vector< IdentifierHash > * vecHash
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:81
allows to accumulate errors in one fillColection call
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:41
std::atomic_uint m_numMissingLinkHeader
Total number of missing link headers.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:521
IdentifierHash lastHash
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:80
dictionary hash
#define ATH_MSG_WARNING(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:32
std::atomic_uint m_headErrorLvl1ID
Total number of Lvl1ID errors in the header data.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:464
std::atomic_uint m_headErrorBCID
Total number of BCID errors in the header data.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:461
std::vector< bool > m_swapPhiReadoutDirection
Swap phi readout direction.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:524
std::atomic_uint m_trailerErrorBit
Total number of trailer bit errors.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:482
int eta_module(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: SCT_ID.h:746
std::atomic_uint m_lastExpHitNumber
Total number of last consecutive strips with hit decoded in expanded mode.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:452
virtual StatusCode fillCollection(const OFFLINE_FRAGMENTS_NAMESPACE::ROBFragment &robFrag, SCT_RDO_Container &rdoIDCont, IDCInDetBSErrContainer &errs, DataPool< SCT3_RawData > *dataItemsPool, const EventContext &ctx, const std::vector< IdentifierHash > *vecHash=nullptr) const override
Fill SCT RDO Collection with decoded ROB data.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.cxx:167
a typed memory pool that saves time spent allocation small object. This is typically used by containe...
Definition: DataPool.h:47
StatusCode processSuperCondensedHit(const uint16_t inData, const uint32_t robID, SharedData &data, SCT_RDO_Container &rdoIDCont, DataPool< SCT3_RawData > *dataItemsPool, CacheHelper &cache, SCT_RodDecoderErrorsHelper &errs, bool &hasError, const EventContext &ctx) const
Process hit word in Super-Condensed mode.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.cxx:769
int side(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: SCT_ID.h:752
StatusCode addSingleError(const IdentifierHash &hashID, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ErrorType error, SCT_RodDecoderErrorsHelper &errs) const
Add single eror.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.cxx:462
std::atomic_uint m_chipNumberError
Total number of chip number errors.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:497
Identifier wafer_id(int barrel_ec, int layer_disk, int phi_module, int eta_module, int side) const
For a single side of module.
Definition: SCT_ID.h:464
Definition: IdentifierHash.h:38
const SCT_ID * m_sctID
Identifier helper class for the SCT subdetector that creates compact Identifier objects and Identifie...
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:421
Definition: IImpactPoint3dEstimator.h:70
int makeRDO(const bool isOld, SharedData &data, CacheHelper &cache, DataPool< SCT3_RawData > *dataItemsPool) const
Builds RawData RDO and adds to RDO container.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.cxx:360
StatusCode processCondensedHit(const uint16_t inData, const uint32_t robID, SharedData &data, SCT_RDO_Container &rdoIDCont, DataPool< SCT3_RawData > *dataItemsPool, CacheHelper &cache, SCT_RodDecoderErrorsHelper &errs, bool &hasError, const EventContext &ctx) const
Process hit word in Condensed mode.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.cxx:865
void noerror(const IdentifierHash id)
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:50
StatusCode addRODError(uint32_t rodID, SCT_ByteStreamErrors::ErrorType error, SCT_RodDecoderErrorsHelper &errs, const std::unordered_set< IdentifierHash > *foundHashes=nullptr) const
Add an error for each wafer in the problematic ROD.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.cxx:430
virtual StatusCode initialize() override
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.cxx:28
std::atomic_uint m_nRDOs
Total number of SCT RDOs created.
Definition: SCT_RodDecoder.h:506
Identifier strip_id(int barrel_ec, int layer_disk, int phi_module, int eta_module, int side, int strip) const
For an individual strip.
Definition: SCT_ID.h:535