ATLAS Offline Software
This is the complete list of members for VP1CameraHelper, including all inherited members.
abortAnyCurrentZoom(SoCamera *camera) | VP1CameraHelper | static |
animatedZoomToBBox(SoCamera *camera, SoGroup *sceneroot, const SbBox3f &box, double duration_in_secs=1.0, double clipVolPercent=100.0, double slack=1.0, const SbVec3f &lookat=SbVec3f(999, 999, 999), const SbVec3f &upvec=SbVec3f(999, 999, 999), bool varySpeed=true, bool forceCircular=false) | VP1CameraHelper | static |
animatedZoomToCameraState(SoCamera *camera, SoGroup *sceneroot, const QByteArray &camstate, double duration_in_secs=1.0, double clipVolPercent=100.0, double lastClipVolPercent=100.0, bool varySpeed=true, bool forceCircular=false) | VP1CameraHelper | static |
animatedZoomToPath(SoCamera *camera, SoGroup *sceneroot, SoPath *path, double duration_in_secs=1.0, double clipVolPercent=100.0, double slack=1.0, const SbVec3f &lookat=SbVec3f(999, 999, 999), const SbVec3f &upvec=SbVec3f(999, 999, 999), bool varySpeed=true, bool forceCircular=false) | VP1CameraHelper | static |
animatedZoomToPoint(SoCamera *camera, SoGroup *sceneroot, SbVec3f, double duration_in_secs=1.0, double clipVolPercent=100.0, bool varySpeed=true, bool forceCircular=false) | VP1CameraHelper | static |
animatedZoomToSubTree(SoCamera *camera, SoGroup *sceneroot, SoNode *subtreeroot, double duration_in_secs=1.0, double clipVolPercent=100.0, double lastClipVolPercent=100.0, double slack=1.0, const SbVec3f &lookat=SbVec3f(999, 999, 999), const SbVec3f &upvec=SbVec3f(999, 999, 999), bool varySpeed=true, bool forceCircular=false) | VP1CameraHelper | static |
animationFinished() | VP1CameraHelper | signal |
animationFinishedAbnormally() | VP1CameraHelper | signal |
clipVolumePercentageOfATLAS(double) | VP1CameraHelper | signal |
forceAbort() | VP1CameraHelper | |
getLastAndNextFrameFileNames(const QString &outputdir, const QString &prefix, QString &lastOfExistingFiles, QString &nextAvailableFile) | VP1CameraHelper | static |
m_d | VP1CameraHelper | private |
setOutputImagesMode(VP1ExaminerViewer *ra, const QString &outputdir, int width=1024, int height=768, double fps=24, const QString &prefix="vp1_frame") | VP1CameraHelper | |
VP1CameraHelper(SoCamera *, SoGroup *) | VP1CameraHelper | private |
~VP1CameraHelper() | VP1CameraHelper | privatevirtual |