ATLAS Offline Software
Wolfgang Ehrenfeld
Alexandre Glazov alexa.nosp@m.ndre.nosp@m..glaz.nosp@m.ov@d.nosp@m.esy.d.nosp@m.e


This package contains the service to use Geant 4 based shower parametrisation in the simulation. At initialisation time the shower libraries for different particles and calorimeters are read into memory. At execution time the service can be asked to substiute a certain particle and a list of energy deposits is returned. These need a dedicated sensitive detector to be put back into the simulation.

Class Overview

The LArG4ShowerLibSvc package contains of following services:

The service is used by the fast simulation contained in the LArG4FastSimulation package. The entry point is the LArG4FastSimulation algorithm.

See also

Job Options and Configuration

The service can and should be configured using configurables. The customised code is in

Some example job options are available:

  • - setting up shower libary service using plain format shower libraries from default location
  • - setting up shower library service using pool format shower libraries

The list of properties for each service can be found here:

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