ATLAS Offline Software
TRTWeightedAverage.cxx File Reference
#include "dqm_core/AlgorithmManager.h"
#include "dqm_core/AlgorithmConfig.h"
#include "dqm_algorithms/TRTWeightedAverage.h"
#include "dqm_algorithms/tools/AlgorithmHelper.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "ers/ers.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
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Detailed Description

: Written for TRT Drift Time histograms. Algorithm calculates weighted mean of the selected binrange. This value compared against the expected value and the absolute difference returned. Also particular for this histogram; normalized value of bin 0 can be used for correction of the result. This leads to a tighter control for the Drift time histogram. Method to store quantities in db; returns dqm_core::Result

Aytul Adiguzel & Emre Celebi

Definition in file TRTWeightedAverage.cxx.