ATLAS Offline Software
PanTauAlgs Package

This package contains algorithms for PanTau.

Peter Wienemann
Sebastian Fleischmann


The PanTauAlgs package contains the following algorithms:

- PanTau::TauSeedBuilderAlg : Seed builder for PanTau
- PanTau::TauJetBuilderAlg : Tau jet builder for PanTau (takes PanTau::TauSeed and creates Analysis::TauJet)

and the following tools:

- PanTau::TauSeedTruthMatchTool : Tool to match TauSeeds to TruthTaus
- PanTau::TauSeedTrackBasedTruthMatchTool : Tool to match TauSeeds to TruthTaus using track to truth information
- PanTau::TauJetTruthMatchTool : Tool to match TauJets to TruthTaus
- PanTau::TauDiscriminantTool : Gets discriminant variables from TMVA reader
- PanTau::TauImpactParameterExtractionTool : extract TauFeature (track impact parameter)
- PanTau::TauJetFeatureExtractionTool :  extract TauFeature (jet shapes)
- PanTau::TauKinematicFitTool  : kinematic fit of eflow momenta to decay modes

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