5 JetDefinition: A module for classes encoding definitions of jets and
6 related objects for configuring jet reconstruction
8 Various classes encode definitions of different types of components used in Jet Reco.
11 - JetInputExternal : describes how to build a source container, typically external to the jet domain. This includes input to jet finding (ex: CaloCluster, Track) but also other sources like EventDensity...
13 - JetInputConstit : describes specifically an input constituents container (an input to a PseudoJetAlgorithm), thus referring to a JetInputExternal as the primary source.
14 - JetInputConstitSeq : a subclass of JetInputConstit, describing how a constituents container is build from a JetConstituentModSequence (ex: PU or Origin correction).
15 - JetConstitModifier : describes a constituent modifier tool to be used in a JetConstituentModSequence
17 - JetDefinition : describes a full jet reco sequence. Uses a JetInputConstit and a list of JetModifier
18 - JetModifier : describes a JetModifier c++ tool.
20 Author: TJ Khoo, P-A Delsart
24 __all__ = [
"JetConstitModifier" ,
26 from AthenaCommon
import Logging
27 jetlog = Logging.logging.getLogger(
29 from xAODBase.xAODType
import xAODType
30 from .Utilities
import make_lproperty, onlyAttributesAreProperties, clonable, make_alias
32 from copy
import deepcopy
35 """Define the convention that we write R truncating the decimal point
36 if R>=1, then we write R*10.
37 (Code from JetRecUtils )
40 if int(10*parameter)>=1
and int(100*parameter % 10):
42 raise ValueError(
'Bad radius parameter')
44 return "{0:.0f}".
51 variableRMassScale= -1.0, variableRMinRadius=-1.0):
52 """variableRMassScale (Rho) in MeV """
53 if ( variableRMassScale >= 0.0
and variableRMinRadius >= 0.0):
56 return f
67 @onlyAttributesAreProperties
69 _allowedattributes = [
78 standardRecoMode = False,
93 if algorithm
not in [
94 jetlog.error(
"FastJet algorithm specification was not one of Kt, AntiKt, CamKt!")
131 return self.
__hash__() == rhs.__hash__()
134 return (
not self.
148 result = cls.__new__(cls)
149 memo[
id(self)] = result
150 set_without_deepcopy = [
151 for k, v
in self.__dict__.
152 if k
in set_without_deepcopy:
155 setattr(result, k, v)
157 setattr(result, k, deepcopy(v, memo))
201 raise Exception(
"Can NOT set property basename of JetDefinition ",self,
" Change prefix, infix or suffix instead.")
230 if self.
inputdef.basetype == xAODType.CaloCluster:
239 return f
247 @onlyAttributesAreProperties
249 """Helper to define the config of a IJetModifier tool.
250 Tools that typically have more complex properties set should have
251 their own dedicated helper 'createfn' functions defined"""
255 filterfn=_condAlwaysPass,
256 prereqs=[],modspec=None,
318 return self.
__hash__() == rhs.__hash__()
321 return (
not self.
330 """returns a real tool instance accoding to this definition : simply instantiating from
331 class self.tooltype and with name self.toolname ( actually : self.toolname.format(modspec) )
332 Since this function will be called as a callback from JetRecConfig as 'func(jetdef, modspec)', it must accept
333 the jetdef argument, even if unused in this case.
335 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory
import CompFactory
337 tool = CompFactory.getComp(self.
346 @onlyAttributesAreProperties
348 """This class allows to declare primary data sources to jet finding which are typically outside of jet domain.
349 Such sources can be container of particles (ex: clusters, selection of tracks,...) but also
350 other object needed by some JetModifier (ex: EventDensity or track-vertex association map).
352 The class is mainly here to hold a helper function (algoBuilder) in charge of configuring the proper algorithm to build the source.
353 If this function is None, then we expect the container pre-exists in the evt store.
355 Arguments to the constructor :
356 - name : container name in event store
357 - objtype : the xAODType (ex: xAODType.TruthParticle, xAODType.CaloCluster, ...)
358 - algoBuilder [optional] : a function returning a configured algorithm which build the container
359 the function is called as algoBuilder(parentjetdef, specs) where
360 parentjetdef is the JetDefinition for which this input building is called.
362 If omitted, it is assumed the container pre-exists in the event store.
363 - specs [optional] : a string (or anything) which specifies some options, and passed to the algoBuilder function
364 - filterfn : a function taking a CondFlags as argument and deciding if this JetModifier is compatible
365 with the conditions (same as JetModifier.filterfn )
366 The function must return a tuple : (bool, "reason of failure")
367 - prereqs : a list of prerequisites (str) for this input definition. If any, these str must match the name of other existing JetInputExternal instances.
369 def __init__(self, name, objtype, algoBuilder=None, specs=None, containername=None, filterfn= _condAlwaysPass, prereqs=[]):
373 self.
algoBuilder = algoBuilder
if algoBuilder
is not None else buildNothing
406 return f
421 return (
not self.
427 from enum
import IntEnum, auto
429 """We reproduce the Enum from in xAODJet/JetContainerInfo.h, xAOD::JetInput : loading the C++ library
430 can slow down a lot the configuration.
431 Note : this is different from the xAODType which describes *only* c++ types whereas JetInputType describes
432 categories of inputs to jets.
444 EMPFlowByVertex=auto()
449 TrackCaloCluster=auto()
450 TruthDressedWZ=auto()
451 EMTopoOriginSK=auto()
452 EMTopoOriginCS=auto()
453 EMTopoOriginVor=auto()
454 EMTopoOriginCSSK=auto()
455 EMTopoOriginVorSK=auto()
456 LCTopoOriginSK=auto()
457 LCTopoOriginCS=auto()
458 LCTopoOriginVor=auto()
459 LCTopoOriginCSSK=auto()
460 LCTopoOriginVorSK=auto()
467 EMTopoOriginTime=auto()
468 EMTopoOriginSKTime=auto()
469 EMTopoOriginCSSKTime=auto()
470 EMTopoOriginVorSKTime=auto()
473 EMPFlowCSSKTime=auto()
474 EMPFlowVorSKTime=auto()
481 """Returns a default JetInputType for a given xAODType """
482 _xaodTojetinputMap = {
483 xAODType.CaloCluster : JetInputType.LCTopo,
484 xAODType.ParticleFlow : JetInputType.EMPFlow,
485 xAODType.FlowElement : JetInputType.EMPFlow,
486 xAODType.TrackParticle : JetInputType.Track,
487 xAODType.TruthParticle : JetInputType.Truth,
488 xAODType.Jet : JetInputType.Jet,
490 return _xaodTojetinputMap.get(xt, JetInputType.Other)
493 @onlyAttributesAreProperties
495 """Configuration for simplest constituents (or ghost constituents) to jets.
496 This describes what can be the input to a PseudoJetAlgorithm.
497 The containername attribute must correspond to an existing JetInputExternal so the system knows how to build this
498 source container (if necessary).
510 filterfn=_condAlwaysPass,
518 self.
label = label
or name
523 jetinputtype = jetinputtype
or JetInputType.fromxAODType(objtype)
524 if isinstance(jetinputtype, str):
525 jetinputtype = JetInputType[jetinputtype]
534 return self.
__hash__() == rhs.__hash__()
537 return (
not self.
562 return f
569 @onlyAttributesAreProperties
571 """Configuration for JetConstituentModSequence.
572 Describes the constituents which need to be build with a JetConstituentModSequence.
573 Uses a list of aliases to JetConstitModifier to describe the modif steps.
584 filterfn=_condAlwaysPass,
589 JetInputConstit.__init__(self,name, objtype, outputname, prereqs=prereqs, jetinputtype=jetinputtype, filterfn=filterfn,label=label,lock=
False, finalinit=
False, byVertex=byVertex)
607 return hash((self._basetype,
610 return self.
__hash__() == rhs.__hash__()
613 return (
not self.
618 return f
"JetInputConstitSeq({self.name}, {self.inputname} , {self.containername})"
625 @onlyAttributesAreProperties
627 """Configuration for a constituent modifier tool to be used in a JetConstituentModSequence.
628 See StandardJetConstits.py for usage of this class.
630 the properties argument in __init__ defines directly the properties of the final tool :
631 if the tool has the property "PtMin" then passing 'dict(PtMin=10*GeV)' will result in 'tool.PtMin = 10*GeV'
632 IMPORTANT : If a property is itself an other tool, we can pass a function returning the tool like in 'dict(TheSubTool = mySubToolFunc)'
633 The function will be called only when appropriate in the form 'tool.TheSubTool = mySubToolFunc(constitseq)'