Chain0_Args Node1 Chain0_Args + debug + extrapol_eta_ent + extrapol_phi_ent + extrapol_r_ent + extrapol_z_ent + extrapol_eta_ext + extrapol_phi_ext + extrapol_r_ext + extrapol_z_ext + extrapWeight and 16 more... Node2 FH2D + nbinsx + nbinsy + h_bordersx + h_bordersy + h_contents Node2->Node1 +fh2d Node3 struct Node3->Node1 +fh2d_h +fh1d_h +fhs_h Node4 FH1D + h_borders + h_contents + h_errors + nbins Node4->Node1 +fh1d Node5 Cell_E + energy Node5->Node1 +hitcells_E_h +hitcells_E Node6 long Node6->Node1 +ncells Node6->Node5 +cellid Node8 GeoGpu + nregions + max_sample Node6->Node8 +ncells Node10 CaloDetDescrElement_Gpu + m_calosample + m_eta + m_phi + m_sinTh + m_cosTh + m_deta + m_dphi + m_volume + m_sinPhi + m_cosPhi and 14 more... + CaloDetDescrElement_Gpu() + CaloDetDescrElement_Gpu() + ~CaloDetDescrElement_Gpu() + eta() + phi() + r() + eta_raw() + phi_raw() + r_raw() + dphi() and 15 more... Node6->Node10 +m_hash_id +m_identify Node7 FHs + s_MaxValue + low_edge + nhist + mxsz + h_szs + h_contents + h_borders + d_contents1D + d_borders1D Node7->Node1 +fhs Node8->Node1 +geo Node9 Rg_Sample_Index + size + index Node9->Node8 +sample_index Node10->Node8 +cells