ATLAS Offline Software
MdtCalibRt Package


This package is foreseen to collect the various implementations of Mdt Rt calibration.

Class Overview

The MdtCalibRt package contains at the moment the following classes:

  • MuonCalib::RtCalibrationAnalytic: This class performs the analytic autocalibration whose basic ideas were developed by Mario Deile (see ATL-MUON-2004-021)
  • MuonCalib::RtCalibrationIntegration: This class allows the user to obtain an r-t relationship from the drift time spectrum in a given calibration region.
  • MuonCalib::RtCalibrationClassic: Implementation of a rt calibration using the classical approach (iterative residuals minimization)
  • MuonCalib::ClassicSettings: Parameters needed by the Rt classic calibrations which should be provided to the RtCalibrationClassic constructor
  • MuonCalib::RtCalibrationOutput: Class for communication between event loop and rt calibration algorithm contains only a rt relation for now
  • MuonCalib::RtHistos: Set of histograms used in an iteration of RtCalibrationClassic