ATLAS Offline Software
TileMonitoring Package

This package provides Monitoring tools and top algorithm for TileCalorimeter, plus some root macro and TileCosmicView

Luca Fiorini
Alexander Solodkov
Luciano Filho


The package contains a top algorithm, TileCosmicHisto, that collected and control the algorithm tools. Algorithm tools exist for calibration runs reconstruction (for the so called Team5 analysis) and for cosmic runs. The monitoring is done in the algorithm tools and they are organised by input container: TileDigitsMonTool TileRawChannelMonTool TileCellMonTool TileClusterMonTool TileMuIdMonTool TileMuonFitterMonTool

They all inherits from a common MonTool: TileFatherMonTool. The base class is Control/AthenaMonitoring/ManagedMonitorToolBase

Calibration tools TileDigitsMonTool and TileRawChannelMonTool inherit from a different class TilePaterMonTool, that uses the old class Control/AthenaMonitoring/MonitorToolBase, because there is no need of the Managed sofistications for calibratrion analysis


TileCosmicViewer is a root-based tool developed by Luciano Filho to display Tile and LAr cells and TileMuonFitter objects.