2 Copyright (C) 2002-2025 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
5 #include "InDetSimEvent/TRTUncompressedHit.h"
6 #include "TRT_ReadoutGeometry/TRT_DetectorManager.h"
7 #include "TRT_ReadoutGeometry/TRT_BarrelElement.h"
8 #include "TRT_ReadoutGeometry/TRT_EndcapElement.h"
12 inline GeoTRTUncompressedHit::GeoTRTUncompressedHit (const TRTUncompressedHit & h)
17 inline HepGeom::Point3D<double> GeoTRTUncompressedHit::getGlobalPosition(const InDetDD::TRT_DetectorManager* mgr) const {
19 size_t hitID = m_hit->GetHitID(), strawID=0,layerID=0, moduleID=0, ringID=0, trtID=0,sectorID=0, wheelID=0, planeID=0;
20 static const size_t mask = 0x1F;
21 static const size_t shift = 5;
22 std::bitset<32> idBits(hitID);
23 if (!idBits[21]/*IE: BARREL*/ ) {
24 strawID = hitID & mask;
26 layerID = hitID & mask;
28 moduleID = hitID & mask;
30 ringID = hitID & mask;
31 trtID = hitID >> shift;
32 const InDetDD::TRT_BarrelElement *element = mgr->getBarrelElement(trtID,ringID,moduleID,layerID);
34 HepGeom::Point3D<double> v(m_hit->GetPreStepX(), m_hit->GetPreStepY(), m_hit->GetPreStepZ());
35 return element->getAbsoluteTransform(strawID)*v;
39 strawID = hitID & mask;
41 planeID = hitID & mask;
43 sectorID = hitID & mask;
45 wheelID = hitID & mask;
46 trtID = hitID >> shift;
47 bool isPositive = trtID==2 ? 1:0;
48 const InDetDD::TRT_EndcapElement *element = mgr->getEndcapElement(isPositive,wheelID,planeID,sectorID);
50 HepGeom::Point3D<double> v(m_hit->GetPreStepX(), m_hit->GetPreStepY(), m_hit->GetPreStepZ());
51 return element->getAbsoluteTransform(strawID)*v;
55 return HepGeom::Point3D<double>(0.0,0.0,0.0);