ATLAS Offline Software
TBProfiler< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for TBProfiler< T >, including all inherited members.

addData(const T &theChannel, const T &theData)TBProfiler< T >
addData(const std::vector< T > &theData)TBProfiler< T >
addData(size_t index, const T &theData)TBProfiler< T >
getAverages(std::vector< T > &theAverages) constTBProfiler< T >
getAverages(size_t theIndex, T &theAverage) constTBProfiler< T >
getBinEntries(std::vector< size_t > &theEntries) constTBProfiler< T >
getBinEntries(size_t theIndex, size_t &theEntries) constTBProfiler< T >
getChannelWidth() constTBProfiler< T >
getEntries() constTBProfiler< T >
getErrors(std::vector< T > &theErrors) constTBProfiler< T >
getErrors(size_t theIndex, T &theError) constTBProfiler< T >
getIndex(const T &theChannel) constTBProfiler< T >
getMaxChannel() constTBProfiler< T >
getMinChannel() constTBProfiler< T >
getNumberOfChannels() constTBProfiler< T >
getStandardDevs(std::vector< T > &theVariances) constTBProfiler< T >
getStandardDevs(size_t theIndex, T &theDev) constTBProfiler< T >
getSumOfSquares() constTBProfiler< T >
getSums() constTBProfiler< T >
m_binLimitsTBProfiler< T >private
m_channelFillTBProfiler< T >private
m_deltaBinTBProfiler< T >private
m_entriesTBProfiler< T >protected
m_skipFlagTBProfiler< T >private
m_sumTBProfiler< T >protected
m_sumOfSquaresTBProfiler< T >protected
setupAction(size_t theSize)TBProfiler< T >protected
TBProfiler()TBProfiler< T >
TBProfiler(size_t storeSize)TBProfiler< T >
TBProfiler(size_t storeSize, const T &lowerLimit, const T &upperLimit)TBProfiler< T >
~TBProfiler()TBProfiler< T >virtual