This Package contains the Trk::GeometryBuilder for the ATLAS Tracking Geometry It also contains many Tools that are given throuth interfaces in the TrkDetDescrInterfaces package.
Geometry Building: The actual implementation of the Trk::LayerBuilders and Trk::TrackingVolumeBuilders must be found in the corresponding Sub Detector repositories. The Trk::GeometryBuilder acts as a central Tool retrieving Trk::Volume and Trk::Layer instances from the SubDetectors, gluing them together to a Trk::TrackingGeometry. Therefor it owns friend-rights of Trk::Layer, Trk::Volume and Trk::BoundarySurface classes. Various helper Tools exist for the geometry building process.
Material mapping The Trk::MaterialMapper is a convenient plugin that can be used within the Trk::Extrapolator to monitor the crossed material amount. The Trk::LayerMaterialInspector is on the other hand a AlgTool that allows to fill the material information per layer into an nTuple.