ATLAS Offline Software
T_TPCnv< TRANS, PERS > Member List

This is the complete list of members for T_TPCnv< TRANS, PERS >, including all inherited members.

Factory typedefITPCnvBase
persistentTInfo() const =0ITPCnvBasepure virtual
persToTransUntyped(const void *pers, void *trans, MsgStream &msg)=0ITPCnvBasepure virtual
persToTransWithKeyUntyped(const void *pers, void *trans, const std::string &, MsgStream &msg)ITPCnvBaseinlinevirtual
transientTInfo() const =0ITPCnvBasepure virtual
transToPersUntyped(const void *trans, void *pers, MsgStream &msg)=0ITPCnvBasepure virtual
transToPersWithKeyUntyped(const void *trans, void *pers, const std::string &, MsgStream &msg)ITPCnvBaseinlinevirtual