ATLAS Offline Software
egammaPerformance Package

This package contains the jobOptions and root Macros ran by RTT tests. It also contains the monitoring tools of electron and photon reconstruction identification run on Tier 0 for Data Quality

Claire Adam-Bourdarios
many many others

jobOption and macros

Claire Adam-Bourdarios

The share directory contain a jobOption which runs the egamma sw, starting from RDO's : all other combined reconstruction algs are sitched off. The output is the standard combined ntuple. A set of root macros is then ran on top of the ntuple, and some .hist files are produced. Another macro then superimposes these histograms to a reference file ( if any ) and creates .ps files.

The list of input files ( all single particles ) and tests ran can be found in the RTT configuration file : test/egammaPerformance_TestConfiguration.xml


Kamal Benslama

The egammaPerformance code is to be executed during the T0 processing. It makes a set of monitoring histograms and saves them into a ROOT file for later examination. The package contains following classes:

  • egammaMonTool - a tool for monitoring egamma reconstruction and identification
  • electronMonTool - a tool for monitoring electron reconstruction and identification
  • softEMonTool - a tool for monitoring track-based electron reconstruction and identification
  • forwardEgammaMonTool - a tool for monitoring forward electron reconstruction and identification
  • photonMonTool - a tool for monitoring photon reconstruction and identification
  • PhysicsMonTool - a tool for monitoring physics process such as, J/Psi->ee, Upsilon->ee, W->enu, and Z->ee

See wiki page for more details.