ATLAS Offline Software
Daniel Kollar


This package was copied directly from tools in InDetAlignTools and SiGlobalChi2AlignTools. It contains some tools used to perform alignment of generic detector modules, and virtual interfaces to be inherited by detector-specific tools.

Class Overview

The package contains the following classes:

  • AlignModuleTool: inherits from IAlignModuleTool, used to handle the list of AlignModules (the alignment geometry) and provide functionality for basic operations/relations between AlignModules, AlignPars, etc.
  • AlignTrackPreProcessor: inherits from IAlignTrackPreProcessor, used to create a collection of AlignTracks from a collection of Tracks, performs track selection and allows to refit the tracks
  • AlignTrackCreator: inherits from IAlignTrackCreator, used to process the Track and add hit information to AlignTrack (residuals, etc.)
  • AlignTrackDresser: inherits from IAlignTrackDresser, used to add extra information to AlignTrack, needed by the alignment global/local chi2 algorithm, calls derivative calculator tool
  • AnalyticalDerivCalcTool: inherits from IDerivCalcTool, used to calculate derivatives of residuals wrt. alignment parameters needed for global/local chi2 algorithm in analytical way by using information from the track fitter
  • ShiftingDerivCalcTool: inherits from IDerivCalcTool, used to calculate derivatives of residuals wrt. alignment parameters needed for global/local chi2 algorithm by "shifting" the hit along the DoF and refitting the track
  • MatrixTool: inherits from IMatrixTool, used to manipulate matrix and vector entries and to solve for alignment parameters.
  • IPCMatrixTool: inherits from IMatrixTool, used to manipulate matrix and vector entries in binary format for parallel processing, and to solve for alignment parameters.
  • TrkAlignDBTool: contains tools for reading information needed for performing alignment and for writing final alignment parameters to the database