ATLAS Offline Software
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def comparisonUtils.fillBarrelHists (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, theHists)
def comparisonUtils.fillEndcapHists (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, theHists, side)
def comparisonUtils.makeSubSysGeometryHist (name, title, color)
def comparisonUtils.makeSubSysDiffHist (name, title, xName, xMins, xMaxes, yName, yRange, color, nBins=120)
def comparisonUtils.make1D_SubSysDiffHist (name, title, xName, xMins, xMaxes, yName, color)
def comparisonUtils.WriteHist (title, hists, drawEndcapLines=False, drawTRTFirst=False)
def comparisonUtils.readInData (inputfile)
def comparisonUtils.DrawTRTEndcapCLines (yRange)
def comparisonUtils.DrawTRTEndcapALines (yRange)
def comparisonUtils.globalStrawLayer (wheel, strawlayer)
def comparisonUtils.drawStrawPlaneTransCan (bec, wheel, strawlayer, x1, y1, x2, y2)