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Print functions emulating python2 softspace rules. More...

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def python.fprint._formatFloat (x)
def python.fprint._formatFloats (l)
def python.fprint.fprint (f, *args)
def python.fprint.fprintln (f, *args)
def python.fprint.fwrite (f, *args)



Detailed Description

Print functions emulating python2 softspace rules.

Dec 2019 In python2, doing

print >>f, 'a', print >>f, 'b'

would insert a space between ‘a’ and ‘b’, while

print >>f, 'a', print >>f, '\nb'

would not put a space after the ‘a’.

This was implemented by an ‘internal’ attribute of file objects called ‘softspace’. If non-zero, then the next print should emit a space at the start.

This functionality is not present in the python 3 print function.

In the case where one has existing python 2 output formatting where one wants to preserve the spacing and have it work consistently in both py2 and py3, the functions here may be used. Use fprint to print a string with no terminating newline, and use fprintln to print a string with a terminating newline. Calls to f.write() should be replaced with fwrite().

In addition to spacing, py2 and py3 format floating-point numbers differently. These functions try to produce py2-default foramtting.

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