ATLAS Offline Software
InDetConversionFinder is a package which contains algorithm to reconstruct conversions. The only job now is to call a vertex finder tool - InDetConversionFinderTool. (see InnerDetector/InDetRecTools/InDetConversionFinderTools) All units are in mm and MeV.
The algorithm InDetConversion.cxx is a prototype usecase of the InDetConversionFinderTools package. This tool reconstructs conversions in the InnerDetector. The performance of the conversion reconstruction depends stronlgy on the BackTracking performace and the choosen cuts.
InDetConversionFinder contains the following files/classes: -ConversionFinder.cxx
Remark: the algorithm is configured via automatic generated python scripts (genConf)
All values shown are default values, i.e. if nothing is specified in the jobOptions the algorithm will use this default value.