ATLAS Offline Software
Deprecated List
Member InDetDD::StripStereoAnnulusDesign::localPositionOfCellPC (const SiCellId &cellId) const
No longer required as localPositionOfCell() will automatically use the appropriate transform.
Member InDetDD::StripStereoAnnulusDesign::localPositionOfClusterPC (const SiCellId &cellId, int clusterSize) const
No longer required as localPositionOfCluster() will automatically use the appropriate transform.
Member cmdline_parser2 (int argc, char **argv, struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info, int override, int initialize, int check_required)
use cmdline_parser_ext() instead
Member SH::Sample::metaDataList ()
use meta() instead, or (preferably) access of meta-data by name